2024年10月22日 星期二
艾比湖湿地自然保护区 8 个乔灌木种群空间分布格局分析
Analysis on spatial distribution pattern of eight arbor-shrub populations in Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve
2010年 第19卷 第4期 页码[37-42]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

在划定面积 5 m×5 m 和 10 m×10 m 样方的基础上,运用方差比率(VR)法及负二项参数(K)、扩散系数( C)、平均拥挤度(m* )和 Cassie 指标(CA)对新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区8 个乔灌木种群的种间关联性及空间分布格局进行了研究。 结果表明,在面积 5 m×5 m 的样方内,胡杨( Populus euphratica Oliv.)、枇杷柴[ Reaumuria songarica(Pall.) Maxim.]、盐节木[ Halocnemum strobilaceum ( Pall.) M. Bieb.]、白梭梭( Haloxylon persicum Bunge ex Boiss. etBuhse)、多 枝 柽 柳 ( Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.)、 盐 豆 木[ Halimodendron halodendron ( Pall.) Voss ]、 盐 穗 木(Halostachys caspica C. A. Mey. ex Schrenk)和梭梭[Haloxylon ammodendron (C. A. Mey.) Bunge]8 个种群总体联结性为显著正关联,种群间很少存在对资源的竞争;K 值、C 值和 CA值的分析结果均表明胡杨、枇杷柴、盐节木、白梭梭、盐豆木和盐穗木种群的空间分布格局为聚集分布,多枝柽柳种群为均匀分布,梭梭种群为随机分布,但仅枇杷柴和盐节木种群为极显著的聚集分布。 在面积 10 m×10 m 的样方内,8 个乔灌木种群的总体联结性为不显著的负关联,显示种群间存在对资源的竞争,但稳定共存;8 个乔灌木种群的空间分布格局均为极显著的聚集分布。 随样方面积从 5 m×5 m 扩大至 10 m×10 m,8 个乔灌木种群 m* 的排序位置发生了改变,显示种间竞争能力和种内自疏能力发生变化,其中,枇杷柴、盐穗木和梭梭的总体表现较强,多枝柽柳最差。 研究结果显示,在进行艾比湖湿地自然保护区种群空间分布格局的研究中,采用面积 10 m×10 m 的样方较为适宜。



Based on designating quadrats of 5 m×5 m and 10 m ×10 m, inter-specific association and spatial distribution pattern of eight arbor-shrub populations in Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve of Xinjiang were studied by using variance ratio (VR) method, negative binomial parameter (K), diffusion coefficient (C), average congestion (m* ) and Cassie index (CA). The results show that within 5 m× 5 m quadrats, the general association among eight populations of Populus euphratica Oliv., Reaumuria songarica ( Pall.) Maxim., Halocnemum strobilaceum ( Pall.) M. Bieb., Haloxylon persicum Bunge ex Boiss. et Buhse, Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb., Halimodendron halodendron ( Pall.) Voss, Halostachys caspica C. A. Mey. ex Schrenk and Haloxylon ammodendron ( C. A. Mey.) Bunge is all significantly positive association, showing rare resources competition among populations. The analysis results of K, C and C A values show that spatial distribution pattern of P. euphratica, R. songarica, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Haloxylon persicum, Halimodendron halodendron and Halostachys caspica populations all are aggregation type, T. ramosissima population is uniform. type and Haloxylon ammodendron population is random type, but only R. songarica and Halocnemum strobilaceum populations are highly significant aggregation type. Within 10 m × 10 m quadrats, the general association among eight arbor-shrub populations is unsignificantly negative association, showing resources competition among populations but coexisting stably. And spatial distribution pattern of eight populations all are obviously significant aggregation type. With increasing of quadrat area from 5 m×5 m to 10 m×10 m, the order of m* value of eight populations has changes, which show existing changes in abilities of inter-specific competition and intra-specific self-thinness. In which, overall performance of R. songarica, Halostachys caspica and Haloxylon ammodendron populations is more stronger, and that of T. ramosissina population is the worst. It is concluded that quadrat area of 10 m×10 m is suitable for research on spatial distribution pattern of populations in Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve.

关键词艾比湖湿地自然保护区; 乔灌木种群; 空间分布格局; 方差比率法; 聚集强度
Key wordsEbinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve; arbor-shrub population; spatial distribution pattern; variance ratio method; aggregation intensity
作者杨晓东a,b, 吕光辉a,b,张雪梅a,b, 孙丽君a,b, 何书林a,b
所在单位新疆大学 a. 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室; b. 资源与环境科学学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046