2025年3月14日 星期五
黑莓对水分 、盐分和低温逆境的适应性
The hardiness of blackberry to water content in soil , salt concentration and low temperature
2001年 第10卷 第4期 页码[17-21]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

在南京盆栽条件下, 黑莓(Rubus L .spp.)“Hull品种 1 年生扦插苗在土壤相对含水量为 70%以上时, 地上部
, 正常开花结实;土壤相对含水量下降到 50 %~ 60%, 地上部分生长明显减弱, 地下部
, 但植株都能存活;土壤相对含水量下降到 45% ~ 50%, 地上部分及地下部分均生长不良,
部分植株死亡;土壤相对含水量下降到 30 %~ 35%, 植株无法生存黑莓Hull品种扦插苗是对盐(NaCl)
, 中度(0 .2%)以上盐浓度对生长有明显的抑制作用, 相对于地上部分和根系, 根颈部所受的影响较小, 表现为
, 无叶片产生;地下部无新根产生 ;根颈部萌芽数量减少, 长度变小, 随着盐浓度的增加,
轻度(0 .1%)盐处理未见有抑制作用黑莓不同品种的枝条抗冻性不同, 所测定的 3 个品种中,
Hull抗冻性最差, LT50-25 .5℃, “ ChesterNavoho的抗冻性相近, LT50均为 -29℃。


The influence of water content in soil , salt concentration and low temperature to the growth of
(Rubus spp .) were studied in potting test in Nanjing .The results show that : 1)When the soil relative water content is higher than 70 %, the stem and the root system of the seedlings of variety Hullall grow well ; when the soil relative water content reduces to 50 %-60 %, the stem grows weaker and the root suffers a little ; when the soil relative water content drops to 45 %-50 %, all the stem and the root system suffer seriously and part of the plants dies ;if the soil relative water content declines to 30 %-35 %, the plants can not survive .2)The variety Hullis sensitive to NaCl .Medium concentration (0 .2 %)of NaCl has a remarkable inhibitory effect to the growth of this variety , and the harmful effect to sucker is smaller than to stem and to root system , that is there are no new branches and leaves on stem and no new root emerge in
root system
, as to suckers , the number and the length are all less than the check , with the increasing of NaCl the rate of the suckers growth is slower and the sucker is going to die .The inhibitory effect has not been seen in the light concentration (0 .1 %)of NaCl .3)The cold hardiness is different among three varieties :Chesterand Navohoare similar and Hullis poorer than the former two .

关键词黑莓; 土壤相对含水量; 盐浓度; 抗冻性
Key wordsblackberry (Rubus spp .); soil relative water content; salt concentration; cold hardiness
作者任冰如 ,李维林 ,吴文龙 ,闾连飞 ,孙醉君
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所植物迁地保护省级重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210014