2025年3月12日 星期三
Growth adaptability of some cultivars (lines) of warm-season turfgrass in coastal beach and their influence on soil salinity
2010年 第19卷 第3期 页码[48-54]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

采用8 个指标(密度、质地、均一性、盖度、耐旱性、萎蔫率、烧伤率及生长量)对12 个暖季型草坪草品种(系)在江苏省沿海滩涂上的生长适应性进行了评价,并以电导率为指标分析了12 个品种(系)对种植地土壤盐度的影响。结果表明,12 个品种(系)8 个评价指标的变异系数为32. 51% ~ 40. 76%,差异不大;12 个品种(系)在8 个评价指标方面的排序不一致,但总体上各指标中得分最高的前3 位均包含了海雀稗‘P006’(Paspalum vaginatum‘P006’)和沟叶结缕草‘Z014’(Zoysia matrella ‘Z014’),而得分最低的均为狗牙根[Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.]的品种(系)。12 个品种(系)中,海雀稗‘P006’综合排名第1,生长适应性最好;沟叶结缕草‘Z014’、结缕草‘Z080’(Z. japonica ‘Z080’)和中华结缕草‘Z008’(Z. sinica ‘Z008’)的综合排名分别为第2、第3 和第4 位,生长适应性也较好;而8 个狗牙根品种(系)的得分排在第5 至第12 位,生长适应性较差。从2006 年7 月至2007 年11 月,12 个品种(系)种植地的土壤平均电导率均随时间的延长出现一定的波动,但总体上呈现逐渐下降的趋势并达到相对一致的水平,且均明显小于空白地的土壤平均电导率。不同品种(系)对种植地土壤的脱盐作用有一定的差异,其中,狗牙根‘C807’的脱盐效应最佳,在所有供试品种(系)中排序第1;而海雀稗‘P006’和沟叶结缕草‘Z014’也具有一定的脱盐效应,在所有供试品种(系)中分别排在第6 和第7 位。综合分析结果显示,海雀稗‘P006’和沟叶结缕草‘Z014’对盐碱地的适应性较强并具有一定的脱盐效应,可作为滩涂绿化和盐碱地土壤改良的优良草种;而狗牙根‘C807’可以作为滩涂绿化和土壤改良的先锋草种。



The growth adaptability of twelve cultivars (lines) of warm-season turfgrass in coastal beach of Jiangsu Province was evaluated by eight indexes ( including density, texture, uniformity, coverage, drought resistance, wilting rate, firing rate and growth increment), and the effect of these cultivars (lines) on soil salinity was also analyzed using the electrical conductivity as an index. The results show that there are not obvious differences among eight evaluation indexes of twelve cultivars (lines) with the variation coefficients of 32. 51% -40. 76%. The ranking of twelve cultivars (lines) in eight indexes is different, but generally the top three of the highest score in every index all include Paspalum vaginatum ‘P006’and Zoysia matrella ‘Z014’, while the scores of cultivars (lines) of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. are the lowest. In twelve cultivars (lines), the growth adaptability of P. vaginatum ‘P006’is the best with comprehensive ranking of the first, and that of Z. matrella ‘Z014’, Z. japonica ‘Z080’and Z. sinica ‘Z008’is all better with comprehensive ranking of the second, the third and the fourth, respectively, while that of eight cultivars (lines) of C. dactylon is poor with comprehensive ranking from the fifth to the twelfth. Soil average electrical conductivity of planting land of twelve cultivars (lines) appears some fluctuations with prolonging of cultivated time from Jul. 2006 to Nov. 2007, but generally shows a gradually decreasing trend and reaches a relatively consistent level, and is obviously lower than that of the blank land. There are some differences in desalination to soil among different cultivars (lines), in which, the desalination of (C. dactylon×C. transvaalensis)‘C807’is the best with the first ranking among twelve cultivars (lines), while P. vaginatum ‘P006’and Z. matrella ‘Z014’also appear a certain desalination with the sixth and the seventh ranking. Comprehensive analysis result indicates that P. vaginatum ‘P006’and Z. matrella ‘Z014’possess stronger growth adaptability and a certain desalination to saline soil, and may be the optimal grasses for beach greening and saline soil improvement. While (C. dactylon ×C. transvaalensis) ‘C807’can be used as the pioneer plant for greening and soil modifying of coastal beach.

关键词暖季型草坪草; 滩涂; 生长适应性; 综合评价; 土壤盐度
Key wordswarm-season turfgrass; coastal beach; growth adaptability; comprehensive evaluation; soil salinity
作者宗俊勤, 陈静波, 於朝广, 郭爱桂, 刘建秀, 殷云龙
所在单位江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏南京210014
基金项目江苏省高新技术项目(BG2006320); 江苏洋口港临港工业区耐盐绿化植物引种试验研究项目