摘要 | 采用TLC和HPLC方法分析比较西洋参 (Panax quinquefolium L .)、人参 (P .ginseng C .A .Mey .)及其加工品红参 (redginseng) ,以及不同规格的西洋参中人参皂甙的含量。结果表明 ,西洋参中人参皂甙总量及人参二醇型皂甙的含量明显高于人参及红参 ,且含有 1种人参及红参中未发现的未知人参皂甙Rx ,但不含人参及红参中含有的Rf;人参中人参二醇型皂甙的含量高于人参三醇型皂甙 ,其加工品红参则相反。生长年限是影响西洋参人参皂甙含量的主要因素 ,人参皂甙含量随着生长年限的增长而增加。 |
Abstract | By using TLC and HPLC, the saponin contents are compared among American ginseng ( Panax quinquefolium L. ) , ginseng ( P. ginseng C .A .Mey. ) and red ginseng ( prepared ginseng) . Saponin content in different growth age and different grades of American ginseng is also analysed by HPLC . The results indicated that different kinds of ginsenoside are present in them, but total amount of ginsenosides and panaxadiol is significant higher in American ginseng than those in others and saponin Rx is the characteristic constituent of it. The content of panaxadiol is higher than that of panaxatriol in ginseng while the latter is higher in red ginseng . It also showed that growth age increasing is the main factor for the increment of saponin content in American ginseng . |
关键词 | 西洋参; 人参; 红参; 人参皂甙; |
Key words | Panax quinquefolium L.; Panax ginseng C . A .Mey .; prepared ginseng; ginsenoside |
作者 | 朱丹妮, 杨 力 ,严永清 |
所在单位 | 中国药科大学, 南京 210038 |
点击量 | 1219 |
下载次数 | 873 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助课题( 编号 39570837) |