2025年1月19日 星期日
Acquisition of friable calli from stems and establishment of the cell suspension cultures of
1994年 第3卷 第3期 页码[22-26]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

对获取两个杏(Prunus armeniacal L.)品种‘Canino’和‘Luizet’茎脆散型愈伤组织及建立其细胞悬浮培养进行了研究。结果表明,增加继代培养次数,提高培养基中Ca++的加入量,选用未木质化的外植体,配以含有较高浓度的2,4-D和激动素的培养基,能迅速获得100%的脆散型愈伤组织,成功地建立其细胞悬浮培养系统。


The acquisition of friable calli and the establishment of the cell suspension cultures of the stems of two apricot cultivars (Prunus armenima L. cv. Canino and Luizet) were studied. The results obtained indicated that 100% friable calli can be acquired rapidly in the presence of higher concentrations of 2,4-D and kinetin in the media, by increasing the number of subcultures, raising the addition of Ca++ to the media and choosing the non-lignified explants, and the cell suspension cultures have been successfully established.

关键词细胞悬浮培养; 脆散型愈伤组织; ; ;
Key wordscell suspension cultures; friable calli; stem; Prunus armeniacal L.
所在单位华南农业大学生物系,广 州五 山 , 5 1 0 6 4 2