摘要 | 通过对广西隆安县板栗产区不同地层板栗生长状况和产量的调查, 划分板栗的适生地层,并通过母岩、土壤、板栗植株元素含量的分析, 研究对板栗生长产生影响的元素。 结果表明:不同地层上板栗产量差异显著, 以 D2d2地层最优, Q p地层其次, C3地层最劣。 与板栗生长呈正相关的元素有 K, Na, M n, B, Zn, V 等;呈负相关的元素有 Ca, Cu, F , Se, Ga 等。 |
Abstract | Based on the investigation of growth and yield in different stratum for chestnut ( Castanea mollissima Blume) in Long′an county , Guangxi, the suitable stratum for plantation is divided. Through sampling test of element contents in rocks, soils and plants of different stratum, the main elements affecting the growth of chestnut were studied.The results show ed that the yield of chestnut differed greatly on different stratum, D2d2 stratum is the best, Qp take second place and C3 is bad .The growth of chestnut trees were positively correlated with the content of K, Na, M n, B, Zn, V elements, and were negatively correlated with Ca, Cu, F, Se, Ga elements . |
关键词 | 板栗; 环境地球化学; 地层; 元素与生长 |
Key words | Chestnut; Castanea mollissima Blume; environment-geochemistry; stratum; element and growth |
作者 | 李先琨 |
所在单位 | 广西植物研究所, 桂林 541006 |
点击量 | 1476 |
下载次数 | 1086 |
基金项目 | 广西壮族自治区科学技术委员会资助项目( 桂科软 9007 号) |