2025年2月18日 星期二
Studies on Rubus resources in Qinling- Bashan Mountain Area
1993年 第2卷 第2期 页码[6-11]    下载全文[0.7MB]  



Thirty-eight species and 12 varieties of wild Rubus are present in Qinling-Bashan Mountain which is one of the main distribution area in China. By the survey and chemical analysis of Rubus resources, it shows that 1. Vitamins (particularly vitamin E) and SOD (superoxide dismutase) are very rich in fruits; contents of protein, amino-acids, organic acids and mineral elements are higher than that in apple, pear and citrus. 2. R. xanthocarpus, R. biflorus, R. cockburnianus, R. mesogaeus, R. coreanus,R. parvifolius, R. corchorifolius and R. lamberrtianus, with excellent characters of erect and stout habit, thornlessness, productivity. cold resistance or drough tolerance are thought to be the valuable germplasms for selecting and breeding, some of them can be cultivated. 3. It can also be recommended as useful resource for water and soil conservation and for medicinal plants.

关键词秦巴山区; 悬钩子; 种质资源; 开发利用;
Key wordsQinling-Bashan Mountain Area; Rubus L..; germplasm resources; exploitation and utilization
作者李维林 ,晁无疾
所在单位陕西 省 宝鸡 峡 管 理 局 , 咸 阳 7 1 2 0 0 0
西北 农 业 大 学 , 陕 西 杨 陵 712 1 0 0