2025年3月14日 星期五
基于psbA-trnH 序列变异分析川明参属亲缘关系及分类地位
Analyses on relationship and taxonomic position of Chuanminshen Sheh et Shan (Apiaceae) based on variation of psbA-trnH sequence
2014年 第23卷 第2期 页码[19-26]    下载全文[1MB]  

采用PCR 直接测序法对伞形科(Apiaceae)前胡族(Trib. Peucedaneae)种类川明参(Chuanminshen violaceum Sheh et Shan)、泰山前胡[Peucedanum wawrae (H. Wolff) Su]和华中前胡(P. medicum Dunn)以及美味芹族(Trib. Smyrnieae)种类明党参(Changium smyrnioides H. Wolff)、宝兴棱子芹(Pleurospermum davidii Franch.)、丽江棱子芹(P. foetens Franch.)和鸡冠棱子芹(P. cristatum de Boiss.)的叶绿体基因组psbA-trnH 片段进行了扩增测序,获得的序列已提交至GenBank,登录号为KF557756—KF557762。结合引自GenBank 的前胡族阿魏属(Ferula Linn.)1 种、大瓣芹属(Semenovia Regel et Herder)1 种、当归属(Angelica Linn.)2 种和美味芹族的舟瓣芹属(Sinolimprichtia H.Wolff)1 种、羌活属( Notopterygium de Boiss.) 1 种、瘤果芹属( Trachydium Lindl.) 1 种以及针果芹族( Trib.Scandicineae)刺果芹[Turgenia latifolia (Linn.) Hoffm.]的psbA-trnH 片段序列,对各种类的psbA-trnH 片段信息进行分析;并以刺果芹为外类群构建了MP、ML 和BI 系统发育树。结果表明:川明参和明党参的psbA-trnH 片段长度均为258 bp、GC 含量均为23%,而其他种类的psbA-trnH 片段长度为228 ~405 bp、GC 含量为26% ~35%;排序后psbA-trnH 序列总长度为553 bp(包括空位),其中变异位点237 个、信息位点178 个。川明参与明党参间的相对遗传距离最小(仅为0. 02),而川明参与其他种类间的相对遗传距离为0. 10 ~1. 34,且总体上川明参与美味芹族种类的相对遗传距离较小,表明川明参与明党参及美味芹族种类的亲缘关系较近。在3 类系统树上,川明参与明党参均聚在一起,并与美味芹族的属种聚为一大支,而远离由前胡族属种构成的另一大支。结合外部形态和果实解剖结构特征,建议将川明参属(Chuanminshen Sheh et Shan) 从前胡族中分出并置于美味芹族中,与明党参属(Changium H. Wolff)为姐妹类群。


By means of PCR amplification and sequencing methods, cpDNA psbA-trnH fragment from Chuanminshen violaceum Sheh et Shan, Peucedanum wawrae (H. Wolff) Su and P. medicum Dunn of Trib. Peucedaneae, Changium smyrnioides H. Wolff, Pleurospermum davidii Franch., P. foetens Franch. and P. cristatum de Boiss. of Trib. Smyrnieae in Apiaceae were amplified and sequenced, sequences obtained were submitted to GenBank and their accession numbers were KF557756-KF557762. In combination of psbA-trnH fragment sequences,induced from GenBank, of one species in Ferula Linn., one species in Semenovia Regel et Herder and two species in Angelica Linn. of Trib. Peucedaneae, one species in Sinolimprichtia H. Wolff, one species in Notopterygium de Boiss. and one species in Trachydium Lindl. of Trib. Smyrnieae, and Turgenia latifolia (Linn.) Hoffm. of Trib. Scandicineae, psbA-trnH fragment information of all species was analyzed, and MP, ML and BI phylogenetic trees were constructed taking T. latifolia as an outgroup. The results show that length of psbA-trnH fragment of both Chuanminshen violaceum and Changium smyrnioides is 258 bp and GC content of both is 23%, while length of psbA-trnH fragment of other species is 228-405 bp and their GC content is 26% -35%. And total length of psbA-trnH fragment after alignment is 553 bp (including gaps), in which, there are 237 variable sites and 178 information sites. The relative genetic distance between Chuanminshen violaceum and Changium smyrnioides is the smallest (only 0. 02), while that among Chuanminshen violaceum and other species is 0. 10-1. 34, and generally, that among Chuanminshen violaceum and species in Trib. Smyrnieae is smaller, meaning that relationship of Chuanminshen violaceum with Changium smyrnioides and some species in Trib. Smyrnieae is nearer. In MP, ML and BI phylogenetic trees, both Chuanminshen violaceum and Changium smyrnioides are clustered together and are grouped as one clade with other species of Trib. Smyrnieae, and are away from another clade composed of species in Trib. Peucedaneae. Combined with characteristics of morphology and fruit anatomical structures, it is suggested that Chuanminshen Sheh et Shan should be separated from Trib. Peucedaneae and placed in Trib. Smyrnieae, and it is the sister taxa with Changium H. Wolff.

关键词川明参属; psbA-trnH 片段; 美味芹族; 前胡族; GC 含量; 分类地位
Key wordsChuanminshen Sheh et Shan; psbA-trnH fragment; Trib. Smyrnieae; Trib. Peucedaneae; GC content; taxonomic position
作者宋春凤, 吴宝成, 周摇伟, 刘启新
所在单位江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏南京210014