2024年10月4日 星期五
New records of ferns distributed in Hubei Province (I)
2016年 第25卷 第1期 页码[114-116]    下载全文[3.6MB]  

 By means of field investigation, specimen identification and related literatures, eleven species and one variety belonging to ten genera in five families of ferns were identified as new records in Wuling Area of Hubei Province, viz. Botrychium daucifolium Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Vandenboschia striata (D. Don) Ebihara, Crepidomanes minutum (Blume) K. Iwats., Pteris insignis Mett. ex Kuhn, Pteris wallichiana var. obtusa S. H. Wu, Adiantum monochlamys D.C. Eaton, Diplaziopsis javanica (Blume) C. Chr., Selliguea glaucopsis (Franch.) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp et M. G.Gilbert, Selliguea trisecta ( Baker) Fraser-Jenk., Polypodiodes subamoena ( C. B. Clarke) Ching, Metapolypodium microrhizoma (C. B. Clarke ex Baker) S. G. Lu et L. H. Yang, Platygyria waltonii (Ching) Ching et S. K. Wu. Voucher specimens are deposited in the herbarium of South-Central University for Nationalities (HSN).

关键词蕨类植物; 新记录; 武陵山区
Key wordsferns; new record; Wuling Area
作者刘虹, 田焕焕, 李刚, 覃瑞
所在单位中南民族大学武陵山区特色资源植物种质保护与利用湖北重点实验室, 湖北武汉, 430074