2025年3月14日 星期五
Correlation analysis on fruit quality of Eriobotrya japonica ‘Baiyu’ from different locations in Jiangsu Province with mineral element contents in fruit and soil
2018年 第27卷 第2期 页码[85-92]    下载全文[1MB]  

对江苏高淳、溧阳、镇江和苏州4个产地‘白玉’枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica ‘Baiyu’)果实的品质指标和矿质元素含量以及土壤中矿质元素含量进行测定,并据此分析果实和土壤中矿质元素含量与果实品质的相关性。结果表明:不同产地‘白玉’枇杷果实的品质指标及果实和土壤中矿质元素含量均有不同程度差异。溧阳和苏州产果实的单果质量、横径、纵径、可滴定酸含量、含水量和果肉厚度均极显著或显著高于高淳和镇江产果实,但其可溶性固形物含量和固酸比均极显著低于后二者。果实中N、P、K、Mg、Mn和Zn含量均以苏州产果实最高,Ca含量以镇江产果实最高,Na含量以溧阳产果实最高,Fe和Cu含量均以高淳产果实最高;土壤中N、P、K、Ca、Cu和Zn含量均以苏州产地最高,Mg含量以镇江产地最高,Na和Fe含量均以高淳产地最高,Mn含量以镇江和苏州产地最高。相关性分析结果表明:在果实中,除Ca和Fe含量外,其他矿质元素含量与多数果实品质指标均呈极显著或显著相关性;其中,N、P、K和Mn含量与单果质量、横径、种子质量和果肉厚度均呈极显著或显著正相关;N、P、K、Mg和Na含量与可溶性固形物含量和固酸比均呈极显著或显著负相关,与可滴定酸含量和含水量均呈极显著或显著正相关;但Cu含量却与单果质量、横径、果肉厚度、可食率、可滴定酸含量和含水量呈极显著或显著负相关,与可溶性固形物含量和固酸比分别呈显著和极显著正相关。在土壤中,Ca和Cu含量与果实品质指标均无显著相关性,K和Zn含量与固酸比分别呈极显著的正相关和负相关,Mg和Fe含量与多数果实品质指标均呈负相关,且与其中部分果实品质指标呈极显著或显著相关;此外,N含量与单果质量、果肉厚度、可滴定酸含量和含水量,P含量与横径、种子质量、果肉厚度和可滴定酸含量呈显著或极显著正相关。研究结果表明:溧阳和苏州产‘白玉’枇杷果实较大,但可溶性固形物含量较低;果实中N、P、K、Mg和Cu含量以及土壤中N、Mg、Fe、P和Na含量对果实品质均有较大影响。此外,依据研究结果,对实际生产中各元素的施用量提出建议。



Quality indexes and mineral element contents in fruit of Eriobotrya japonica ‘Baiyu’, and mineral element contents in soil from four locations of Gaochun, Liyang, Zhenjiang and Suzhou in Jiangsu Province were assayed, and based on these results, the correlation of mineral element contents in fruit and soil with fruit quality was analyzed. The results show that there are differences at different degrees in quality indexes of fruit of E. japonica ‘Baiyu’ and mineral element contents in fruit and soil from different locations. Weight per fruit, horizontal diameter, vertical diameter, titratable acid content, water content, and pulp thickness of fruit from Liyang and Suzhou are extremely significantly or significantly higher than those of fruit from Gaochun and Zhenjiang, while their soluble solid content and soluble solid/titratable acid ratio are extremely significantly lower than the latter two. N, P, K, Mg, Mn, and Zn contents are the highest in fruit from Suzhou, Ca content is the highest in fruit from Zhenjiang, Na content is the highest in fruit from Liyang, and Fe and Cu contents are the highest in fruit from Gaochun; N, P, K, Ca, Cu, and Zn contents are the highest in soil from Suzhou, Mg content is the highest in soil from Zhenjiang, Na and Fe contents are the highest in soil from Gaochun, and Mn content is the highest in soil from Zhenjiang and Suzhou. The correlation analysis result shows that except Ca and Fe contents, all other mineral element contents in fruit show extremely significant or significant correlations with most fruit quality indexes; in which, N, P, K, and Mn contents show extremely significantly or significantly positive correlations with weight per fruit, horizontal diameter, seed weight, and pulp thickness; N, P, K, Mg, and Na contents show extremely significantly or significantly negative correlations with soluble solid content and soluble solid/titratable acid ratio, but extremely significantly or significantly positive correlations with titratable acid content and water content; but Cu content shows extremely significantly or significantly negative correlations with weight per fruit, horizontal diameter, pulp thickness, edible rate, titratable acid content and water content, and significantly and extremely significantly positive correlations with soluble solid content and soluble solid/titratable acid ratio, respectively. In soil, Ca and Cu contents show no significant correlation with fruit quality indexes, K and Zn contents show extremely significantly positive and negative correlations with soluble solid/titratable acid ratio, respectively, and Mg and Fe contents show negative correlations with most fruit quality indexes and extremely significant or significant correlations with some fruit quality indexes; in addition, there are significantly or extremely significantly positive correlations of N content with weight per fruit, pulp thickness, titratable acid content and water content, and P content with horizontal diameter, seed weight, pulp thickness and titratable acid content. It is suggested that fruit of E. japonica ‘Baiyu’ from Liyang and Suzhou is relatively large, but their soluble solid content is relatively low; N, P, K, Mg, and Cu contents in fruit and N, Mg, Fe, P, and Na contents in soil have great influence on fruit quality. In addition, recommendations are proposed for the application amount of each element in actual production process according to the results.

关键词‘白玉’枇杷; 土壤; 矿质元素含量; 果实品质; 相关性分析
Key wordsEriobotrya japonica ‘Baiyu’; soil; mineral element content; fruit quality; correlation analysis
作者黄霄1, 姚丹1, 陆爱华2, 王化坤3, 渠慎春1, 高志红1
所在单位1. 南京农业大学园艺学院, 江苏 南京 210095; 2. 江苏省农业委员会, 江苏 南京 210036;3. 江苏省太湖常绿果树技术推广中心, 江苏 苏州 215107