2024年10月22日 星期二
The comparative study of pollen morphology of Angelica L. between East Asia and North America
1997年 第6卷 第1期 页码[41-47]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

The pollen grains of 57 species of Angelica L .from East Asia and North America were examined with the light microscope and scanning electron microscope .The pollen grains of Angelica L. vary in shape. According to their characteristics, six types are recognized, namely : subrhomboidal, subrounded, ellopsoidal, subrectangular, superrectangular, and equatorially-constricted types .I t reveals that the Angelica L .not only is an ancient genus but also a developing one .The common species A. genuflexa exist both in East Asia and North America show ing the closely relationship geographically .Moreover, there are m any ancient sister taxa, such as A .valida, A . apaensis, A .dielsii in East Asia, and A .dawson, A .scabrida in North America . Their pollen grain shapes are subrhomboidal or ellipsoidal, protruding in equator position and with angulaperture.Based on the reports about fossil pollen and tectonic
evolution, they may be occur in Cretaceous to paleo
-tertiary, and the centers of origin and diversity of this genus mig ht be in Sichuan of China ( N 29 33°, E 102 110°) as well as in Northwest of North America ( N 35 58°, W 108 135°) .

关键词当归属; 东亚与北美; 花粉形态
Key wordsAngelica L .; East Asia and North America; pollen morphology
作者佘孟兰, 舒 璞 ,潘泽惠
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014