2025年3月12日 星期三
Effect of Hg2+ on photochemical activity and polypeptide compositions of thylakoid membrane from spinach
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[30-33]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

重金属Hg2 + 对菠菜 (Spinacia oleracea L .)离体类囊体膜的光合电子传递活性、室温吸收光谱、室温荧光发射光谱以及多肽组分影响的研究结果表明 :Hg2 + 对两个光系统的电子传递活性都有抑制作用 ,且Hg2+ 对PSI的抑制作用较PSII大 ;Hg2 + 处理使类囊体膜的室温吸收光谱峰及室温荧光发射峰降低 ,但未使类囊体膜的多肽组分发生改变。 


The effect of Hg2+ on electron transport activity of photosystem, absorption spectrum, fluorescence emission spectrum at room temperature and polypeptide compositions of spinach ( Spinacia oleracea L . ) thylakoid membrane was observed. The results were as follows:Hg2+ inhibited the electron transport activity of PSI and PSII and the inhibition to PSI was stronger than to PSII;The absorption spectra, fluorescence emission spectra at room temperature of thylakoid membrane were reduced; The polypeptide compositions were not changed after Hg2+ treatments.

关键词Hg2+; 菠菜; 类囊体膜; 电子传递活性; 多肽组分;
Key wordsHg2+; Spinacia oleracea L.; thylakoid membrane; electron transport activity; polypeptide compositions
作者刘 双 陈国祥 王 娜
所在单位南京师范大学生命科学学院, 南京 210097
基金项目江苏省教育委员会高校科研项目!( 1999SWX0 0 0 0SJ1);