摘要 | 为了解甜高粱〔Sorghum bicolor (L.)M oench〕各品种在我国的适应性, 在不同地区进行了`意达利' 、`雷伊' 、`凯勒' 、`M-81E' 的品种比较试验, 对各品种的生育期、株高、茎秆直径、茎秆重量、茎秆汁锤度、籽粒产量与纬度的关系进行了一元线性回归分析。 结果表明:纬度变化, 实际上是日照长度的变化, 对甜高粱营养生长有影响, 高纬度有利于其营养生长。 各品种对纬度变化反 |
Abstract | The effect of latitude on sweet sorghum 〔Sorghum bicolor (L .)Moench〕, including vegetative growth seed yield was reported .The comparative investigation w as carried out in different areas of China.The results of linear regression analysis show ed that the fluctuation of latitude influences the growth and high latitude is favorable condition to it .The effects of fluctuations of latitude are different on various cultivars , `Italian' is the most sensitive `M-81E' , `Keller' and `Wray' successively .The fluctuation of latitude also effects the seed yield but not obviously .`Italian' is the most sensitive ,`M-81E' , `Keller' and `Wray' successively .At the same time , high latitude is beneficial to the brix in juice and the yield of seeds, in spite of any cultivar. |
关键词 | 甜高粱; 营养生长; 籽粒产量; 纬度; 线性回归分析 |
Key words | Sorghum bicolor (L .)Moench; vegetative grow th; seed yield; latitude; linear regression analysis |
作者 | 宋广巍, 黎大爵 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100093 |
点击量 | 1371 |
下载次数 | 995 |
基金项目 | 中国科学院重点项目(KJ952-S 1-125) |