2024年7月17日 星期三
Physiological reactions of blackberry leaves to water treatments
2000年 第9卷 第2期 页码[18-21]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

黑莓( Rubus spp.) 赫尔( Hull) 品种扦插苗在土壤相对含水量分别为 85 %以上70%~ 80 %、50 %~ 60%、45%~ 50%30 %~ 35 %的条件下处理 20 d, 以土壤相对含水量 70%~ 80%的处理为对照, 测定其叶片单个复叶的鲜重单位叶面积鲜重叶片相对含水量叶绿素含量及可溶性蛋白质含量的变化结果表明, 当土壤相对含水量达 85 %以上时, 所测各项指标与对照相比均无显著差异, 黑莓生长良好, 说明黑莓是一种喜湿植物随着土壤含水量的下降, 单个复叶的鲜重极显著下降;叶片相对含水量在土壤相对含水量为 45%~ 50%时显著下降, 在土壤相对含水量为 30 %~ 35 %时极显著下降并达到受轻度胁迫的水平;而单位叶面积鲜重叶绿素含量及可溶性蛋白质含量都比对照有不同程度的增加


The fresh weight of leaf ( a compound leaf) , fresh w eight per unit area, relative water content, chlorophy ll content and soluble protein content were determined in leaves of blackberry grown in different soil relative w ater contents of >85 %, 70 %~ 80 %, 50 %~ 60 %, 45 %~ 50 %and 30 %35 %for 20 day s respectively, in w hich the treatment of 70 %~ 80 %w as the check ex periment .The results showed that w hen the soil relative water content is >85 %, there were no remarkable differences of all items compared w ith the check, the plant grew fine, so it can be considered as a w ater-loving character.As the soil w ater decreased, the fresh w eight of leaf decreased rem arkably, the relative w ater content decreased too, but until the soil relative w ater content decreased to 30 %~ 35 %, the blackberry w as not under mild stress .The fresh weig ht per unit leaf area, chlorophyll content and soluble protein content all increased in different extent .

关键词黑莓; 土壤; 相对含水量; 水分胁迫; 叶绿素; 蛋白质
Key wordsblackberry; soil; relative water content; w ater stress; chlo rophyll; protein
作者任冰如, 李维林, 吴文龙 ,孙 视 ,闾连飞
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014