摘要 | 以通过组织培养诱导和选育的10个丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.)多倍体品系为材料,于1993年进行了田间品比试验,评价了药材产量和质量。结果表明:选出的10个品系均表现出典型的多倍体性状,药材(根)质量均较大幅度提高。10个品系中有2个品系的有效化学成分──丹参酮含量高于对照种,其中61-2-22品系为最优品系,不仅丹参酮含量比对照种高79%,而且药材产量也比对照高71.1%,因此平均每个小区生产丹参酮的数量比对照高206%,这一品系已经加速繁殖,供生产上示范推广。 |
Abstract | Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.) is a major Chinese used in curing cardiovascular system disease. In order to develop new variety for large-scale production, 10 tetraploid lines were induced and bred from tissue culture. The field comparative experiment was conducted in 1993. The results indicated that all of 10 polyploid lines of Danshen showed typical polyploidy characters. The content of effective compounds——danshinone in two lines were higher than that in control. Tetraploid line 61-2-22 was the best one among 10 polyploid lines, not only the content of danshinone increased 79% but also the yield of root drug increased 71.1% by compared with control in field comparative experiment. So the total amount of danshinone produced in per plot (20 m2) was 206% higher than in control. The excellent line has been rapid-propaged and will be released in large-scale production. |
关键词 | 丹参; 多倍体; 丹参酮; 组织培养; |
Key words | Salvia miltiorrhiza; polypoild; danshinone; tissue culture |
作者 | 高山林, 朱丹妮, 蔡朝晖 ,徐德然 |
所在单位 | 中国药科大学遗传育种教 研室, 南京 2 1 0 0 3 8 |
点击量 | 1212 |
下载次数 | 928 |
基金项目 | 国家医药局科研项目 |