摘要 | 采用 ISSR 标记方法分析了 62 个朱顶红(Hippeastrum spp.)品种(包含 60 个引自荷兰的品种和 2 个苏州本地品种)的遗传多样性,并采用 UPGMA 法对 62 个朱顶红品种进行聚类分析。 在此基础上,通过特异性条带的比较及筛选,采用黑白方格示意图法构建了供试品种的 ISSR 指纹图谱。 扩增结果显示:用 11 条引物从 62 个朱顶红品种的基因组 DNA 中共扩增出118 条带,其中多态性条带109 条,多态性条带百分率达92. 4% ,有5 条引物扩增条带的多态性条带百分率达 100. 0% 。 62 个品种间的遗传相似系数变幅较大,为 0. 371 4 ~ 0. 842 9,表明各品种间存在丰富的遗传变异和遗传多样性。 聚类分析结果显示:在遗传相似系数 0. 63 处 62 个品种被分为 7 组,多数形态相似的品种被聚在一起;其中形态相似的白色单瓣品种间遗传相似系数较高(约 0. 8),大多聚在一起,表明它们同源性较高;而 2 个苏州本地品种间遗传相似系数最高(0. 842 9),表明它们可能具有同一来源。 品种‘小红星” 在引物UBC873 扩增图谱的 450 bp 处有 1 条特异性条带,而品种‘精灵”在引物 UBC835 扩增图谱的 3 000 bp 处有 1 条特异缺失条带,这 2 条特异性条带可分别用于品种‘小红星”和‘精灵”的鉴定。 基于引物 UBC835 和 UBC873 的 ISSR扩增条带组合构建了供试的 62 个朱顶红品种的 ISSR 指纹图谱,采用这一指纹图谱可对供试的所有朱顶红品种进行鉴定。 |
Abstract | The genetic diversity of 62 cultivars (including 60 cultivars introduced from Netherlands and 2 local cultivars in Suzhou) of Hippeastrum spp. was analyzed by ISSR marker method, and the cluster analysis on 62 cultivars was carried out by UPGMA method. On the basis, by means of comparison and selection of specific bands, the ISSR fingerprint of tested cultivars was constructed by ways of schematic diagram with black and white square lattices. The amplification result shows that total 118 bands are amplified from genomic DNA of 62 cultivars by 11 primers, in which, there are 109 polymorphic bands with the polymorphic band percentage (PPB) of 92. 4% , and PPB of bands amplified by five primers reaches to 100. 0% . The change range of genetic similarity coefficient among 62 cultivars is larger with a value from 0. 371 4 to 0. 842 9, showing that there are rich genetic variation and genetic diversity among different cultivars. The cluster analysis result shows that 62 cultivars can be divided into seven groups at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0. 63. Most cultivars with similar morphology are clustered together, in which the genetic similarity coefficient among some similar morphology cultivars with white and single petal is higher (about 0. 8) and most of these cultivars are clustered together, indicating that their homology is higher. While, two local cultivars in Suzhou have the highest genetic similarity coefficient (0. 842 9), meaning that the two cultivars may possess a same origin. Cultivar ‘ Xiaohongxing” has a specific band at 450 bp in amplification pattern of primer UBC873 and cultivar ‘ Elvas” has a specific missing band at 3 000 bp in amplification pattern of primer UBC835, therefore, these two specific bands can be used for identification of cultivars ‘Xiaohongxing” and ‘Elvas”, respectively. According to ISSR amplification bands by primers UBC835 and UBC873, the ISSR fingerprint of 62 cultivars is combined and constructed, and all of cultivars tested can be identified with this fingerprint. |
关键词 | 朱顶红品种; ISSR 标记; 聚类分析; 遗传关系; 指纹图谱; 品种鉴定 |
Key words | cultivar of Hippeastrum spp.; ISSR marker; cluster analysis; genetic relationship; fingerprint; cultivar identification |
作者 | 张林1,2, 徐迎春1, 成海钟2, 周玉珍2, 娄晓鸣2, 吕文涛2 |
所在单位 | 1. 南京农业大学园艺学院, 江苏 南京 210095; 2. 苏州农业职业技术学院, 江苏 苏州 215008 |
点击量 | 1447 |
下载次数 | 1060 |
基金项目 | 江苏省科学技术厅高技术项目(BE2009327); 江苏省农业三项工程项目[SX(2010)47] |