2025年2月5日 星期三
The changing tendency of plant species diversity in the fragmental tropical rainforest in SouthernYunnan. China
1994年 第3卷 第2期 页码[9-15]    下载全文[0.9MB]  



The changing tendency of woody plant species diversity in 1959- 1991 was investigated by the method of survey and analysis of community sampling (50 X 50 m) in fragmental tropical rainforest of Manyangguang Holy Hill Forest, Yunnan. The result of the research showed that the species number has a slight change over 30 years in the fragment, while the index of species diversity decreases by 24%. Even if the disappearing rate and increasing rate of species in the fragment are relatively equivalent over 30 years, they have obviously changing tendency due to the biological and ecological characteristics of species: both species disappearing rate and increasing rate in arbor plant (storey A. B. C) are higher than shrub (story D) ; while in the arbor storeys, A > B > C. On the other hand, both species disappearing rate and increasing rate in different species exclusiveness of communities are:character species < preferrent species < indifferent species > exotic species. Moreover, the microclimate of the fragment changed from "cool and wet effect" to "dry and warm effect" is one of the important environmental factors which make the change of species diversity.

关键词片断热带雨林; 植物物种多样性; 干暖效应;
Key wordsfragmental tropical rainforest; plant species diversity; dry and warm effect
所在单位中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 ,勐腊 6 6 6 3 0 3