摘要 | 分别用含有 0、100 、200 和300 mmol/ L NaCl 的Hoagland 培养液处理 1 年生沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.)苗30 d后, 测定其鲜重, 干重, 含水量, 可溶性糖、脯氨酸和无机离子(Na + 、Cl -)的含量及叶片渗透势和渗透调节能力。结果表明:100 mmol/ L NaCl 处理的沙棘地上部和根的鲜重和干重最大, 其含水量也最大; NaCl 浓度超过 100 mmol/ L时, 沙棘地上部分和根的鲜重和干重随盐浓度增加而逐步下降, 其下降的趋势为地上部大于根部。 随 NaCl 浓度不断升高, 沙棘体内 Na +和 Cl -浓度随之升高, 茎叶和根系中 Cl -含量明显高于Na + , 对 Na + 的相对吸收量多于Cl --。沙棘对盐胁迫有一定的适应能力, 随 NaCl 浓度的升高, 沙棘叶内脯氨酸含量升高, 可溶性糖含量增加, 渗透势降低,渗透调节能力增强。 本结果可为盐碱地营造沙棘林提供依据。 |
Abstract | Annual seedlings of Hippophae rhamnoides L .were treated with Hoagland solution added with 0 ,100 , 200 and 300 mmol/ L NaCl , after 30 days , fresh weight , dry weight , water content , soluble sugar, Pro, organic ion content (Na + , Cl --), osmotic potential of leaves and osmotic adjustment ability were determined , respectively.The results showed that fresh weight and dry weight of above-ground part and root of H . rhamnoides were the biggest under the treatment of 100 mmol /L NaCl , and which water content were also the biggest.When over 100 mmol L of NaCl , fresh and dry weight of above-ground part and root gradually decreased with salt concentration increasing and the decrease tendency of above-ground part was more than root .With NaCl concentation increasing , content of Na +and Cl -- in H .rhamnoides gradually increased .Cl -- contents of stem and leaves and roots were obviously higher than Na + contents , and relative absorbed dose of Na + was more than Cl --.H .rhamnoides had certain adaptability to salt stress .With NaCl concentationincreasing , Pro and soluble sugar contents increased , osmotic potential decreased , osmotic adjustment ability strengthened .These results provided basics for forestation of H .rhamnoides in soline-alkali soil . |
关键词 | 沙棘; 盐胁迫; 渗透调节能力 |
Key words | Hippophae rhamnoides L .; salt stress; osmotic adjustment ability |
作者 | 阮成江 ,谢庆良 |
所在单位 | 盐城工学院海洋工程系, 江苏 盐城 224003 |
点击量 | 1144 |
下载次数 | 963 |
基金项目 | 国家外国专家局农引推项目(200162)、 水利部沙棘基金项目(2001016)、 江 苏 省 科 学 技 术 厅 基 金 资 助 项 目(BL2000313) |