2025年1月22日 星期三
Comparison of salt tolerance and ion effect in cultivated and wild soybean
2001年 第10卷 第1期 页码[25-29]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

以国际上常用的耐盐大豆( Glycine max L.) 品种 Lee68 为对照, 在发芽期和苗期两个阶段, 利用发芽指数害指数和耐盐系数等指标对一年生具盐腺野生大豆( Glycine soja L.) 和部分栽培大豆( Glycine max L.) 及某些野生大豆品系或品种的耐盐性进行了比较, 讨论了耐盐指标的可行性从离子效应方面比较了 Na +Cl -对大豆发芽率的影响, 并对具盐腺野生大豆的耐盐机理进行了初步分析结果表明, 大豆品种的耐盐性在发芽期和苗期无一致相关性轻度等渗胁迫下, Na+对种子发芽率的抑制作用大于 Cl -,,而重度等渗胁迫下则相反通过减少由根系吸收的 Na +Cl-向叶片的运输, 维持叶片中较高含量的K +, 减轻盐离子毒害, 可能是具盐腺野生大豆耐盐的主要生理机制之一


In contrast with the international common-used salt-tolerant soybean species Lee68, the salt
tolerance of some wild ( including one with salt glands) and cultivated cultivars in phases of seed germination and seedling were compared by germination index, salt injury index and salt tolerant efficiency
.The feasibility of salt tolerance indexes was discussed, and the mechanism of salt tolerance in wild soybean with salt glands was also preliminarily analysed .The results showed that the salt tolerance of soybean in germination phase was not interrelated to that in seedling phase .Under light iso-osmotic stress, the inhibition of Na+ on germination was more than that of Cl-, which was contrary to that under heavy iso-osmotic stress .The wild soybean with salt glands can alleviate ion injury by decreasing the transport of Na+, Cl- from roots to leaves and maintaining high level of K + in leaves .This may be one of the main physiological mechanisms of salt tolerance in this species .

关键词栽培大豆; 野生大豆; 耐盐系数; 耐盐性; 离子效应
Key wordsGlycine max L .; Glycine soja L .; salt tolerant efficiency; salt tolerance; ion effects
作者於丙军, 罗庆云, 曹爱忠, 刘友良
所在单位南京农业大学农学系, 江苏 南京 210095
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目( 39870069) ; 高等学校博士学科点专项基金项目( 1999002005)