2025年1月22日 星期三
Effect of salt stress on growth and physiological and biochemical characteristics of Frankia
2006年 第15卷 第1期 页码[9-13]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

研究了盐胁迫(10~50 g · L-1 NaC l)对从杨梅〔Myrica rubra(Lour.) Sieb. et Zucc.〕、木麻黄(Casuarina spp.)、桤木(Alnus spp.)和福建胡颓子(Elaeagnus oldhami M axim.)根瘤中分离出的11株Frankia菌株的生长和生理生化特性的影响。结果表明,在离体培养条件下,分离自木麻黄和桤木根瘤的Frankia菌株耐盐性最强,其次是来源于福建胡颓子根瘤的Frankia菌株,而从杨梅根瘤中分离得到的Frankia菌株耐盐性最弱。在盐胁迫条件下,Frankia菌株的形态和生理生化特征也发生相应变化:孢囊和泡囊数量增加、菌丝变细或变粗、固氮酶活性增加、营养源利用率下降。


The effectof salt stress(10 -50 g · L-1 NaCl) on growth and physiological and biochemical characteristics of 11 Frankia strains from root nodules of Myrica rubra(Lour.) Sieb. et Zucc.,Casuarina spp., Alnus spp. and Elaeagnus oldha i  Maxim. was studied in the BAP medium. The results showed that the salt tolerance of Frankia strains from Casuarina spp. and Alnus spp. was the strongest, the second from E. oldhami, while the least from M. rubra. The morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of the tested strains were also changed under the salt stress, such as the numbers of sporangium and vesicle increasing, the hyphae getting thiner or thicker, the nitrogenase activity enhancing and the rate of nutrient source utilization decreasing.

关键词盐胁迫; Frankia; 生理生化特性;
Key wordssalt stress; Frankia; physiological and biochemical characteristics
作者谢一青1,2,李志真1,黄儒珠2,黄 勇1,肖祥希1