2024年12月23日 星期一
Introduction of American blueberries
1998年 第7卷 第4期 页码[33-37]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

1988 年由美国引入 12 个兔眼蓝浆果(Vaccinium ashei Reade)品种, 在江苏南京和溧水两地试种 10 年来生长结果正常, 产量和品质与原产地无显著差异, 引种获得成功, 证明兔眼蓝浆果能适应本地区自然条件单株产量平均 7 .51 kg , 品种间差异显著, 最高 9 .86 kg , 最低 1.34 kg 位投影面积产量 3.10 kg/m2, 最高 4 .06 kg/m2 , 最低 1 .13 kg/ m2高于或至少不低于原产区产量记录据此预测, 栽植距离适宜时, 在本地区亩产量可达 1 500 2 000 kg 以上大多数品种果实糖酸比很高, 鲜食风味好, 氨基酸含量中等, 矿质元素 Z n Se 含量高兔眼蓝浆果可在江苏南部丘陵地区发展;此外, 还应将试验扩大到南方红黄壤地区;并对本国野生资源开展研究和利用


Twelve cultivars of rabbiteye blueberry w ere introduced into Nanjing and Lishui ,Jiangsu Province from the United States in 1988 .After 10 y ears plantation , it is obvious that most of the cultivars were successfully adapted to the natural condition of this area .The mean yield per plant is 7 .51 kg , differences among cultivars are quite evident as from 9 .86 kg the highest to 1 .34 kg the lowest , mostly hig her than that in the original producing area or so .For yields per unit projective area of crow n , it is 3 .10 kg/m2 in average , 4 .06 kg/m2 the highest and 1 .13kg/m2 the lowest .So it is estimated that in this area, under the appropriate planting distance , a yield of 1 500 2 000 kg per mu (1/15 hm 2)is possible.Concerning to the fruit quality , most of the
cultivars have higher sugar acid ratio and fine taste
, the amino acids content is moderate
whereas that of minerals Zn and Se are high
. It is suggested by the authors that the rabbiteye blueberry could be developed in the southern hilly area of Jiang su Province ;the introduction experiment of American blueberries might be extended to the redyellow soil region ;attentions should also be paid to the domestic w ild resources of the genus .

关键词兔眼蓝浆果; 产量; 果实品质
Key wordsrabbiteye blueberry; Vaccinium ashei Reade; yield; fruit quality
作者顾 姻 ,王传永 ,吴文龙 ,於 虹, 贺善安
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014