摘要 | 50 年代自庐山植物园引种栽培于南京中山植物园的 11 株红豆杉〔Taxus chinensis ( Pilger) Rehd.〕幼苗组成的栽培种群, 在 40 多年的迁地保护过程中, 生长发育正常, 且在邻近的自然生境中繁衍出一个含有 461 株幼苗及小树的天然红豆杉种群, 树高 10 ~ 345 cm, 树龄 1 ~ 15 年, 主要散生于海拔 35 ~ 60 m 的山坡麻栎群落及山溪边的枫杨群落中。 栽培种群中雌树 5 株, 雄树 6 株, 栽培红豆杉在 30 年左右开花结实。 该天然种群的形成过程是:红豆杉成熟种子被鸟类取食, 其肉质假种皮被消化后, 在鸟类的栖息范围内随着鸟粪被随机散布, 经过生境选择、适应, 于适宜的生境条件下萌发生长成幼苗及小树。 此外, 讨论了天然红豆杉种群的形成和发展, 对于植物迁地保护研究与实践的重要意义。
Abstract | Eleven seedling trees of Tax us chinensis ( Pilger) Rehd .including 5 females and 6
males, introduced from Lushan Botanical Garden and cultivated as a g roup in Nanjing
Botanical Garden in 1950s, has g rowed and w ell developed .Furthermore, it has
brought about a natural population of Tax us chinensis by 1997, w hich consists of 461
individuals 10 ~ 345 cm tall and aged 1 ~ 15 years .This natural population mainly
scatters in community of Quercus acutissima Carr. on mountain slope or in com munity
of Pterocarya stenoptera C.DC .beside mountain stream at 35 ~ 60 m altitude .The
cultivated Taxus chinensis began to bring forth seeds at about 30-years-old .The process
of establishing the natural population is elucidated as follow s :ripen seeds w ere ingested
by some kinds of birds, then through birds′faeces containing the seeds w ith their fleshy
arils digested, they w ere dispersed in a random w ay within the boundary of areas w here
birds lived o r perched .After w ithstanding adaptive selections of their habitats, parts of
the dispersed seeds could germinate to give seedlings .In addition, some considerations
on the research and practice of plant ex situ conservation are given .