2024年9月17日 星期二
Theoretic guide to blackberry introduction
1998年 第7卷 第1期 页码[1-9]    下载全文[1.2MB]  

根据我国亚热带丘陵山区大量退化生态系统急待改良的需要, 在经济生态学分析基础上,提出以小果类作为开发南方丘陵山区的作物之一应用生境因子分析法理论, 论证了黑莓在江苏省引种的可行性针对黑莓原产区与新引种区水热和土壤因子的差别, 提出了选地和及时立支土壤改良土面覆盖病虫害调查与防治四项栽培技术要点论证了小果类发展应以加工研究为前导和保证同时开展了大规模国产悬钩子野生种质资源调查, 发现存在富含 VESOD 和微量元素 Se 的种质, 发掘出 21 种优良种类, 分别有直立性强丰产果大色素含量高抗病虫等优点,是未来黑莓和树莓育种值得注意的原始材料最后指出下世纪我国黑莓和树莓生产的前景


According to the requirement of the development of economy on the land within mass degenerative ecosystems in subtropical hilly areas in China , small fruits were recommended by authors as ideal crops on the basis of economical and ecological analysis.With the theory ofHabitat Factors Analysis” , the possibility of the introduction of blackberries in Jiangsu province has been verified .Directing at the differences of water , heat and soil factors between the original producing area and the introductional area, claims for site selection and essentials of cultivation were suggested ,e .i .mainly (1)trellis ;(2)soil improvement ;(3)mulching and (4)sy stematically monitoring of pests and diseases .It proved that the development of small fruits should be preceded and ensured by the researches of fruit processing .Mean while, wild Rubus
germplasms in China w ere investigated and outstanding species were selected ,
and some
of them have been found ex tremely rich in V
E , SOD and Se .Those were thought valuable in blackberry and raspberry breeding in future .The prospect of blackberry production and the possibility of raspberry introduction in subtropics of China were discussed .

关键词黑莓; 引种理论; 悬钩子; 种质资源
Key wordsblackberry; theo ry of plant introduction; Rubus; germplasm resources
作者贺善安 顾 姻 孙醉君 蔡剑华
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014