摘要 | 利用人 工栽 培方法, 研 究了 武汉东 湖重污 染区 湖水 和底 泥对 黄丝 草(Potamogeton maackianus A .Benn.)生长的影响。 以湖滨黄棕色粘土作对照, 在上覆水条件相同时, 东湖底泥上培养的黄丝草生长良好, 生物量高, 枝条较长。 东湖底泥中黄丝草根系较纤细, 每个植株的根数也较少 , 但根系活力明显高于对照。 底泥中有机质过高对黄丝草根系发育不利。 东湖湖水的水质状 |
Abstract | The effects of the overlying w ater and sediment from the heavily polluted area of Donghu Lake of Wuhan on the growth of Potamogeton maackianus A .Benn .were surveyed under using artificial culture method .The shoots of P .maackianus are well developed on the lake sediment when it is cultured in cement tank , and the biomass and shoot height of the plant are both much higher than those of the control plants cultured on the brown clay in the same tank .The activity of root system in the lake sediment is also much higher than that of the root system in clay .However , the roots of this plant are slender and the root number per shoot is lower in the lake sediment as compared to the control. It is shown that the sediment is certainly the main source of nutrients for submerged m acrophytes and the roo ts play an important role in the uptake of nutrients from sediment besides the attachment to substrate .The results also showed that the overlying water from the heavily polluted area of Donghu Lake affected on the growth |
关键词 | 黄丝草; 上覆水; 底泥; 根系活力; |
Key words | Potamogeton maack ianus A .Benn .; overlying w ater; sediment; activity |
作者 | 邱东茹 ,吴振斌, 邓家齐 ,詹发萃 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉 430072 |
点击量 | 1190 |
下载次数 | 936 |
基金项目 | 国家“八五”科技攻关项目 85-908-01-02-01 |