2025年2月5日 星期三
Observation of anatomy structure of leaf and ultrastructure of mesophyll cell of Zelkova schneideriana
2003年 第12卷 第2期 页码[52-57]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

对取自不同季节的榉树(Zelkova schneideriana Hand. Mazz.)叶的解剖构造和叶肉细胞超微结构进行了观察。榉树叶表面被密集锥状单细胞毛,幼叶则还有头状腺毛。气孔多分布在叶下表面,为不规则型。上表皮细胞外壁具有明显的角质层加厚,局部上表皮由2层细胞组成。叶肉细胞分化为栅栏组织和海绵组织;栅栏组织1~2层细胞;海绵组织发达,常与气孔相连。叶肉有含晶细胞存在。叶脉的维管束鞘明显,是厚壁细胞。成熟叶肉细胞细胞器丰富,有8~9个周壁叶绿体,为巨大的长椭圆形,基粒片层清晰,有淀粉粒,少量脂滴。叶片开始转变颜色时,叶绿体由长椭圆形变得趋于圆形;基粒片层逐渐变得杂乱至模糊不清;脂滴数目增多。秋季叶色不同的榉树叶片解剖构造存在一定差异。


Microstructure and ultrastructure of leaf of Zelkova schneideriana Hand .-Mazz .are reported .The leaf blade is covered with single cell downy hairs , while young leaf was mixed with glandular hairs .Stomata are scattered over the lower-epidermis .The type of stomatal apparatues is anomocytic .The outwalls of upper epidermis cell have obvious cuticular thickening .There are two layer cells somewhere on upper epidermis .The mesophyll was consisted of palisade and spongy tissue .There are 1 -2 layer cells in palisade tissue .The spongy tissue is well developed with ventiating cavity which always link with stomata .Bundle-sheath of vein was composed of sclerenchyma cells .The crystal cells are found in mesophyll .Matural mesophyll cells have 8-9 oval chloroplasts , the grana lamellas is distinct , starch grains and a few lipid droplets could be seen .When the color of leaf is changed , chloroplast become ball .The grana lamellas vary disorder and blurring .The lipid droplets are more and more .The microstructure and ultrastructure show some distinguishes among the individuals which leaves in autumn have different colors .

关键词榉树; 叶片; 解剖构造
Key wordsZelkova schneideriana Hand .-Mazz .; leaf; anatomy
作者赵旺兔 , 彭 冶 , 丁雨龙
所在单位南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏 南京 210037