摘要 | 在滩涂生态演替序列中,自海向陆随着土壤和植被的演替,初级生产者的生物量及其固定的能量同步增长。滩涂主要陆生盐生植被和盐沼生植被的初级生产均始于3月;初级生产力和光能利用率峰值,大穗结缕草群落出现在5月,盐蒿群落出现在7月,白茅群落、芦苇群落和糙叶苔群落在6月;生物量峰值出现在9月或10月。 |
Abstract | Among the beach ecological series, following the soil and vegetation succession from the sea towards the continent, the primary productivity, the biomass and energy which are fixed by plants all increase simultaneously. The primary production of the main salt continent plants and salt marsh plants start in March. The highest value of primary productivity appears in certain time varing with plants: Zoysia macrostachys, in May;Imperata cylindrica var. majur , Carex scabrifolia and Phragmites australis, in June ; Suaedo salsa, in July. The highest value of biomass of all plants appears in September or October. |