2025年2月19日 星期三
A study on germplasm diversity of chestnut and the proposals for its conservation and utilization
1992年 第1卷 第1期 页码[18-22]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

本文在总结板栗(Castanea mollissima Bl.)种质资源调查研究的基础上,论述了以板栗为主的中国栗属植物遗传变异的多样性。并且从生态地理学上分析板栗种内变异的分布,提出了板栗遗传变异沿生态地理梯度变化的规律,为板栗种质资源的利用提供了依据。文中指出,当前正面临着板栗种质流失的严重问题,尤其随着良种的推广,必将带来遗传种质贫乏的后果。为此,提出了有关保存和利用的具体建议。


Based on the investigation of germplasm resources, the genetic diversity of chestnut was described. Owing to the wide range of distribution and the cross-pollination habit of chestnut, rich genetic variation and germplasm resources were resulted. From ecogeographical viewpoint to analyse its diverse distribution, genetic variation of nut weight along eco- geographical gradients was discovered. The author emphasized the important problem of germplasm erosion nowadays, especially, it may become more serious after the rapid spread of excellent cultivars. Proposals about conservation and utilization of chestnut germplasm have also been suggested.

关键词栗树; 种质; 多样性; 保存利用
Key wordschestnut; germplasm; diversity; conservation; utilization
所在单位江苏省植物研究所,南京 210014