2025年3月14日 星期五
Effects of Cucurbita ficifolia as rootstock on growth, fruit setting, disease resistance and leaf nutrient element contents in Cucumis sativus
2004年 第13卷 第4期 页码[15-19]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

为了探索黑籽南瓜(Cucurbita ficifolia Bouch啨)对黄瓜(Cucumis sativus Linn.)生长的影响,以前者为砧木,’津绿21 1’和’津研4号’2个黄瓜品种为接穗,以自根植株为对照,对嫁接植株的形态指标、抗病性、单株产量及叶片营养元素含量进行研究。结果表明,嫁接植株在不同时期的形态指标均高于自根植株;嫁接黄瓜的单株产量显著高于自根黄瓜;枯萎病、病毒病、霜霉病和灰霉病4种病害在嫁接植株上的病情指数和发病率均低于自根植株;2个品种嫁接植株叶片的N、P、K、Ca和Mg含量均显著或极显著高于自根植株。结果表明,黑籽南瓜作为优良砧木可显著促进黄瓜的生长结实,提高其抗病性及对营养元素的吸收能力。


To explore the superiority of Cucurbita ficifolia Bouchéin the growth of Cucumis sativus Linn., using C. ficifolia as rootstock and two C. sativus cultivars `Jinlǜ 21-1' and `Jinyan 4' as scions, grafting was made to compare the differences in morphological indexes, disease resistance, individual yield and leaf nutrient element contents between grafted and self-root plants. The results showed that morphological indexes at different stages of grafted plants were significantly higher than those of self-root plants. The individual yield of grafted plant was significantly higher than that of self-root plant. Disease index and disease percentage of wilt, virus, downy mildew and botrytis of grafted plants were lower than those of self-root plants. Contents of N、P、K、Ca and Mg in leaves of grafted plants were significantly higher than those of self-root plants. The above results indicate that C. ficifolia, as an excellent rootstock, can significantly promote growth, fruit setting, disease resistance and leaf nutrient element contents of C. sativus.

关键词黑籽南瓜; 黄瓜; 单株产量; 病情指数; 营养元素; 砧木
Key wordsCucurbita ficifolia Bouché; Cucumis sativus Linn.; individual yield; disease index; nutrient element; rootstock
基金项目教育部留学回国基金资助项目([2001]498); 江苏省科学技术厅资助项目(BE2002304; BC2003306);