摘要 | 选取吉林东部吉林市的松花湖自然保护区、永吉县口前镇和蛟河市拉法镇,延边朝鲜族自治州安图县二道白河镇以及白山市的临江市闹枝镇和长白朝鲜族自治县十四道沟镇6个野生居群兴安杜鹃(Rhododendron dauricum Linn.)作为研究对象,对其种实表型性状进行方差分析、变异分析、相关性分析、主成分分析和综合评价。结果表明:不同居群间兴安杜鹃的果实长、果实直径、果形系数、单果质量、种子长、种形系数和种子含水量存在显著或极显著差异。兴安杜鹃居群间种实表型性状变异系数的平均值(12.47%)大于居群内种实表型性状变异系数均值的平均值(11.44%)。相关性分析结果显示:兴安杜鹃的单果质量、果实长和果实直径间均呈极显著正相关,种子千粒质量与单果质量和种子含水量呈极显著正相关;除果实长与海拔、种子直径与纬度以及种子千粒质量与年均降水量呈显著或极显著相关外,种实表型性状与地理-气候因子总体上无显著相关性。主成分分析结果显示:前3个主成分的累计贡献率达92.884%,果实直径、单果质量、种子千粒质量、种形系数、种子直径和果实长是兴安杜鹃种实表型性状的主导因子。综合评价结果显示:吉林市永吉县口前镇居群兴安杜鹃的种实表型性状最优。 |
Abstract | Taking Rhododendron dauricum Linn. from six wild populations (Songhua Lake Nature Reserve, Kouqian Town of Yongji County and Lafa Town of Jiaohe City of Jilin City, Erdaobaihe Town of Antu County of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, and Naozhi Town of Linjiang City and Shisidaogou Town of Changbai Korean Autonomous County of Baishan City) in eastern Jilin Province as research objects, variance analysis, variation analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and comprehensive evaluation were conducted for their phenotypic traits of seed and fruit. The results show that there are significant or extremely significant differences in fruit length, fruit diameter, coefficient of fruit form, single fruit mass, seed length, coefficient of seed form, and water content in seed of R. dauricum among different populations. The average of variation coefficient of phenotypic traits of seed and fruit of R. dauricum among populations (12.47%) is greater than that of the average of variation coefficient of phenotypic traits of seed and fruit within population (11.44%). The correlation analysis result shows that there are extremely significant positive correlations among single fruit mass, fruit length, and fruit diameter of R. dauricum, and extremely significant positive correlations of 1 000-grain mass of seed with single fruit mass and water content in seed; there are no significant correlations of phenotypic traits of seed and fruit with geographic-climatic factors in general except for significant or extremely significant correlations between fruit length and altitude, between seed diameter and latitude, and between 1 000-grain mass of seed and annual mean precipitation. The principal component analysis result shows that the cumulative contribution rate of the first three principal components reaches 92.884%, and fruit diameter, single fruit mass, 1 000-grain mass of seed, coefficient of seed form, seed diameter, and fruit length are the dominant factors of phenotypic traits of seed and fruit of R. dauricum. The comprehensive evaluation result shows that phenotypic traits of seed and fruit of R. dauricum from population in Kouqian Town of Yongji County of Jilin City are the best. |
关键词 | 兴安杜鹃; 种实表型性状; 相关性分析; 主成分分析; 综合评价 |
Key words | Rhododendron dauricum Linn.; phenotypic traits of seed and fruit; correlation analysis; principal component analysis; comprehensive evaluation |
作者 | 于忠亮, 苑景淇, 李成宏, 周梅妹, 王梅芳, 杜凤国 |
所在单位 | 北华大学林学院 长白山特色森林资源保育与高效利用国家林业局重点实验室, 吉林 吉林 132013 |
点击量 | 1866 |
下载次数 | 1235 |
基金项目 | 吉林省科学技术厅项目(20190301041NY); 吉林省发展改革委员会项目(2017C054-5) |