2025年3月12日 星期三
The quantitative determination and TLC identification of total nucleosides in sporophore of Ganoderma lucidum ( Leyss. ex Fr.) Karst
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[61-62]    下载全文[0.3MB]  



To tal nucleosides in sporophore of Ganoderma lucidum ( Ley ss.ex F r.) K arst produced in different locality
was determinated by the UV
-spectrophotometry.The contents of to tal nucleosides in sporophore of G .lucidum from
Guangi of China and Viet Nam w ere 0
.33%and 0 .34 %, the higher contents from Taiw an, Jiang su and Guangdong
w ere 0
.40 %~ 0.46% and lower contents from Yunnan were 0 .16%~ 0 .21%.The research proposed a criterion on the
quality o f
G .lucidum and a brief discussion about its utiliza tio n and development .The T LC identification of uracil,
adenine, adeno sine and uridine in sporophore of
G .lucidum was car ried out .The methodolo gical study indicated that the method was simple, reliable and specific.

关键词赤芝; 总核苷; 紫外分光光度法; T LC
Key wordsGanoderma lucidum ( Leyss.ex F r.) Karst; total nucleosides; UV spectrophotometric method; T LC
作者黄红兵 ,江英桥
所在单位广州市药品检验所, 广州 510160