摘要 |
Abstract | In order to clarify the change law of carbon storage and the distribution pattern of carbon pool of Vernicia montana Lour. plantation in Fujian Province, the carbon content, carbon storage and its proportion in arbor layer (containing trunk, branch, leaf and root), shrub layer, herb layer, litter layer and 0-100 cm soil layer of V. montana plantation with stand age of 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 a in Nanping City were analyzed by using space instead of time, and the total carbon storage and distribution pattern of each stand were analyzed. The results show that the carbon content in root of stand with stand age of 2 a is the highest (584.63 g·kg-1), that in leaf is slightly lower; the carbon content in trunk of stands with stand age of 3, 5 and 9 a is the highest, which is 536.34, 406.44 and 636.95 g·kg-1, respectively; the difference in carbon content in trunk, branch, leaf and root of stand with stand age of 7 a is small. In addition, the carbon content in arbor of stands with stand age of 2, 3 and 9 a is the highest, which is 537.68, 467.77 and 529.35 g·kg-1, respectively. The average carbon content in each soil layer is 11.30-21.42 g·kg-1, and generally increases with the increase of stand age. The total carbon storage of each stand is 105.60-214.60 t·hm-2, and generally increases with the increase of stand age. The carbon storage of vegetation layer of each stand is 23.89-85.13 t·hm-2, accounting for 17.27%-39.67% of the total carbon storage, in which, the carbon storage of arbor, shrub, herb and litter layers is 21.11-75.78, 0.96-2.46, 0.27-0.56 and 1.55-6.33 t·hm-2, respectively, accounting for 14.60%-35.31%, 0.72%-1.14%, 0.22%-0.26% and 1.46%-2.95% of the total carbon storage, respectively. The carbon storage of soil of each stand is 81.71-129.47 t·hm-2, accounting for 60.34%-82.74% of the total carbon storage. With the increase of stand age, except for stand with stand age of 2 a, the proportion of carbon storage of soil in total carbon storage of stands with other stands decreases, while that of carbon storage of vegetation layer in total carbon storage increases. In summary, the distribution proportion of carbon storage of V. montana plantation from big to small is soil, arbor layer, litter layer, shrub layer, herb layer, and the total carbon storage generally increases with the increase of stand age. |
关键词 | 千年桐; 林龄; 碳含量; 碳储量; 分配格局 |
Key words | Vernicia montana Lour.; stand age; carbon content; carbon storage; distribution pattern |
作者 | 洪滔1, 何晨阳1, 黄贝佳1, 陈灿1, 李键1, 林晗1, 吴承祯2 |
所在单位 | 1. 福建农林大学林学院, 福建 福州 350002; 2. 武夷学院, 福建 南平 354300 |
点击量 | 15732 |
下载次数 | 1098 |
基金项目 | 国家“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0601304) |