摘要 | 在标本和文献综合分析的基础上,对世界范围内孩儿参属(Pseudostellaria Pax)植物的主要形态特征进行了总结,依据Mizushima 的分类系统编制了孩儿参属的分类检索表,对5 个存疑种进行了初步分类处理,并对孩儿参属各种类的分布状况进行了绘图和分析。结果表明: 具有肉质块根、绝大多数种具有闭锁花以及开放花花瓣常呈2 浅裂是孩儿参属区别于石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)其他属的典型特征。初步确认全世界的孩儿参属植物共22 种,被分成Sect. Pseudostellaria 和Sect. Mamillatae 2 个组, 其中,前者仅包含石生孩儿参[P. rupestris (Turcz.) Pax]1 种,而后者则被进一步分成Ser. Mamillatae 和Ser. Distantes 2 个系。本研究结果不支持将P. sierrae Rabeler et R.L. Hartm. 和P. oxyphylla (B. L. Rob.) R. L. Hartm. et Rabeler 归入孩儿参属的观点,并建议将矮小孩儿参[P.maximowicziana (Franch. et Sav.) Pax]、须弥孩儿参[P. himalaica (Franch.) Pax]和异花孩儿参[P. heterantha(Maxim.) Pax]分别独立成种。从分布区域看,孩儿参属呈北温带间断分布,由北美洲、地中海地区和东亚3 个相互隔离的地理区域组成,并且,东亚为其多样化分布中心。 |
Abstract | On the basis of comprehensive analysis on specimens and documents, main morphological characteristics of species in Pseudostellaria Pax in the world were summarized, key to Pseudostellaria was compiled according to Mizushima infrageneric classification system, five impeach species were preliminarily classified, and distribution status of species in Pseudostellaria was plot and analyzed. The results show that typical characteristics of species in Pseudostellaria differing from other genera in Caryophyllaceae are having flesh root tuber, vast majority of species having cleistogamous flower and petals of chasmogamous flower often with two-lobed. It is preliminarily confirmed that there are 22 species of Pseudostellaria in the world, which are divided into two sections, i. e. Sect. Pseudostellaria and Sect. Mamillatae, in which, the former only contains one species of P. rupestris (Turcz.) Pax, while the latter further divided into two series, i. e. Ser. Mamillatae and Ser. Distantes. The result of this research does not support the opinion of taking P. sierrae Rabeler et R. L. Hartm. and P. oxyphylla (B. L.Rob.) R. L. Hartm. et Rabeler into Pseudostellaria, and suggests that taking P. maximowicziana (Franch. et Sav.) Pax, P. himalaica ( Franch.) Pax and P. heterantha ( Maxim.) Pax to form. independent species, respectively. In view of distribution area, Pseudostellaria appears North Temperate disjunct distribution, which is composed of three isolated geographical regions, i. e. North American, Mediterranean region and East Asian, and East Asian is its diversified distribution center. |
关键词 | 孩儿参属; 形态特征; 分类检索表; 分类纲要; 分布示意图 |
Key words | Pseudostellaria Pax; morphological characteristics; key; classification outline; distribution diagram |
作者 | 曾晓青1, 张明理2,3, 雷耘1 |
所在单位 | 1. 华中师范大学生命科学学院, 湖北武汉430079; 2. 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 中国科学院干旱区生物地理与生物资源重点实验室, 新疆乌鲁木齐830011; 3. 中国科学院植物研究所, 北京100093 |
点击量 | 1600 |
下载次数 | 1250 |
基金项目 | 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所“百人计划冶项目(Y276031) |