2025年3月13日 星期四
植物暗呼吸作用对大气 CO2浓度升高的响应
A review on the response of plant′s dark respiration to the elevated CO2 concentration
1997年 第6卷 第3期 页码[54-60]    下载全文[1MB]  

植物暗呼吸作用对 CO 2浓度升高的响应目前存在两种截然相反的观点 :一种认为暗呼吸作用将随着 CO 2浓度的升高而下降, 可能的原因有胞间 CO 2浓度升高呼吸酶活性改变及暗固定 CO2 作用的加强等直接原因;另一种认为暗呼吸作用将随 CO2浓度的升高而提高, 影响因素可归结为碳水化合物含量增加CO2浓度刺激其他呼吸途径和生长加快等间接原因由于目前国际上在实验手段材料及呼吸作用表达方式等方面的不一致性, 这些观点尚难定论, 需要更多的实验数据来进一步验证


The main experimental methods and leading conclusions towards the responses of plants dark respiration were reviewed,based on researches developed abroad.Two contradictory conclusions from the existing experiments could be drawn .Some people believed that the dark respiration would be decreased with the elevation of CO2 concentration, possibly owing to the increase of interceller CO2 concentration, changes in the respiration enzyme systems and enhancement of dark CO2 fixation .Others argued that it w ould be increased, because the increase in the content of nonconstructural carbohy drate would accelerate the respiration process ;faster growth caused by CO2 enrichment might require more energy and constructural material, which are provided through dark respiration ;some respiration pathways such as phosphopentose could be stimulated, with all these together leading to an increase of dark respiration .Much mo re strictly controlled experiments, how ever, are still to be conducted before a relatively clear conclusion can be drawn .

关键词暗呼吸; CO2浓度升高; 非结构碳水化合物; 维持呼吸
Key wordsdark respiration; elevated CO2 concentration; non-constructural carbohy drate; maintenance respiration
所在单位中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100093