摘要 | 在 1 ~ 7 月对紫金山紫薇-山胡椒群落(Form. . Lagerstroemis indica-Lindera glauca)的早春草本层进行了定位连续的群落学调查统计。结果表明, 生于落叶林下的含明党参(Changium smy rnioides Wolff .)早春草本层植物通常 2 月萌芽, 在早春落叶乔木尚未展叶林内透光好的条件下旺盛生长, 在 6 月初落叶乔木展叶郁闭度增高后完成生活史。 早春植物明党参的物候变化与其所依存植物群落的乔木层郁闭度变化具有良好的互补性。 明党参所在的早春草本层的 Shannon-wiener 多样性指数与 Simpson 多样性指数分别为 1.429、0 .699(样地 1)及 2 .059、0.852(样地 2), 明党参种群分布格局为聚集分布 |
Abstract | According to the continuous observation to two perminent plots in Purple M ountain, Nanjing , the characteristics of community in w hich early-spring herbs stratum including Changium smyrnioides Wolff.was located were studied .The early-spring herbs usually accom plish their life cycle during January to June in the year accompanying w ith the change of deciduous arborous canopy density, it show ed a harmonous phenological appearance among them .The Shannon-wiener diversity index and Simpson diversity index of this herb stratum are 1 .429 , 0 .699 (plo t 1)and 2 .059 , 0 .852 (plot 2)respectively .The agg regate distribution pattern of C .smyrnioides population may reflect its reduced feature . |
关键词 | 草本层; 明党参; 多样性指数; 群落; 紫金山 |
Key words | herbs stratum; Changium smyrnioides Wolff .; species diversity index; community; Purple Mountain |
作者 | 王中磊 ,刘兴剑, 郝日明 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1219 |
下载次数 | 992 |
基金项目 | 国家林业局“全国重点保护野生植物资源”项目资助 |