2025年3月12日 星期三
Chemical constituents from the bark of Tetracentron sinenses Oliv.and Trochodendron aralioide Sieb.et Zucc.
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[5-7]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

用化学和波谱分析方法从水青树 (Tetracentron sinenses Oliv .)茎皮中分离鉴定了 5个化合物 ,分别为丁香甙(syringanide)、儿茶素 (catechin)、β 谷甾醇 (β sitosterol)、胡萝卜甙 (daucosterol)和白桦脂醇 (betulin) ,均为从该种植物中首次分得。从昆栏树 (Trochodendron aralioide Sieb .etZucc .)茎皮中分离鉴定了 5个化合物 ,分别为liriodendrin、β 谷甾醇、胡萝卜甙、白桦脂醇和二十烷酸 (icosanoicacid)。除白桦脂醇外 ,其余均为从该种植物中首次分得。研究结果为这两种植物的系统学研究提供了化学证据。


By chemical and spectral methods, chemical constituents of the bark of Tetracentron sinenses Oliv. and Trochodendron aralioide Sieb . et Zucc.have been studied. In T. sinenses five compounds have been isolated and elucidated, they are syringanide, catechin, β-sitosterol, daucosterol and betulin, all compounds were found in this species for the first time. And from T . aralioide, five compounds have been isolated and elucidated , They are liriodendrin, β-sitosterol, daucosterol, betulin and icosanoic acid , all compounds except betulin were found in this species for the first time. It will provide the chemical evidence to systematic studies for these two species.

关键词水青树; 昆栏树; 化学成分;
Key wordsTetracentron sinenses Oliv.; Trochodendron aralioide Sieb.et Zucc.; chemical constituents
作者吴献礼 ,周荣汉, 段金廒 ,李家升
所在单位中国药科大学植物化学分类学研究室 南京210038
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目, 编号 39470063