2024年10月22日 星期二
Observation on micromorphological characteristics of pericarp powders of 13 species of Berberis (Berberidaceae)
2022年 第31卷 第1期 页码[7-12]    下载全文[12.8MB]  

以采自云南、四川、西藏和山东的小檗属(Berberis Linn.)13种植物果实为研究材料,在光学显微镜下对其果皮粉末的微形态特征进行了观察和研究。结果显示:13种植物果皮粉末中表皮细胞的轮廓主要呈四边形至六边形;果皮粉末中均含有梯纹导管和螺纹导管,仅在粉叶小檗(B. pruinosa Franch.)和卷叶小檗(B. replicata W. W. Smith)中发现环纹导管,在滑叶小檗(B. liophylla Schneid.)和西山小檗(B. wangii Schneid.)中发现网纹导管。除显脉小檗(B. phanera Schneid.)和黄芦木(B. amurensis Rupr.)外,其余11种植物果皮粉末中均含有石细胞,13种植物果皮粉末中均含有草酸钙簇晶和方晶,且其形状和大小存在种间差异。其中,拉萨小檗(B. hemsleyana Ahrendt)和黄芦木的浆果均为红色,但拉萨小檗果皮粉末中具石细胞,草酸钙簇晶不规则,而黄芦木果皮粉末中未见石细胞,草酸钙簇晶呈圆形或近圆形;粉叶小檗和丽江小檗(B. lijiangensis C. Y. Wu ex S. Y. Bao)的浆果均为紫黑色,果皮具厚或薄的粉霜,且果实样品产地相同,但粉叶小檗果皮粉末中石细胞呈近菱形或类五边形,而丽江小檗果皮粉末中石细胞呈卵形或类矩形。研究结果显示,小檗属植物的果皮粉末微形态特征,尤其是石细胞形态特征,可以用于区分该属一些果实形态特征易混淆的种类,能够为小檗属果实种类鉴别提供重要依据。


 Taking fruits of 13 species of Berberis Linn. from Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibet and Shandong as research materials, the micromorphological characteristics of their pericarp powders were observed and studied under light microscope. The results show that the epidermal cells in pericarp powders of 13 species are basically outlined in approximate 4- to 6-sided polygons; scalariform. vessels and spiral vessels are found in all pericarp powders, while annular vessels are only observed in B. pruinosa Franch. and B. replicata W. W. Smith, and reticulate vessels are only observed in B. liophylla Schneid. and B. wangii Schneid. Except for B. phanera Schneid. and B. amurensis Rupr., the pericarp powders of other 11 Berberis species all contain stone cells, the pericarp powders of 13 species all contain clusters and prisms of calcium oxalate, and there are interspecific differences in their shapes and sizes. In which, the berries of B. hemsleyana Ahrendt and B. amurensis are red, but the pericarp powder of B. hemsleyana contains stone cell and the clusters of calcium oxalate are irregular, while that of B. amurensis has no stone cell and the clusters of calcium oxalate are round or approximately round; the berries of B. pruinosa and B. lijiangensis C. Y. Wu ex S. Y. Bao are purplish black and covered with thick or thin pruinose layer, and their fruit samples are all collected from the same locality, however, the stone cell in pericarp powder of B. pruinosa is rhombic or approximately pentagonal, while that of B. lijiangensis is ovate or nearly oblong. It is suggested that the micromorphological characteristics of pericarp powders of Berberis species, especially the micromorphological characteristics of stone cell, can be used to demarcate some confusing species of this genus bearing morphologically similar fruits and provide important evidences for species identification of Berberis fruits.

关键词小檗属; 果皮; 微形态特征; 石细胞; 草酸钙晶体
Key wordsBerberis Linn.; pericarp; micromorphological characteristics; stone cell; crystal of calcium oxalate
作者吴兴, 李新华
所在单位南京农业大学生命科学学院, 江苏 南京 210095