2025年3月14日 星期五
The contents of chlorogenic acid and total flavonoids of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.leaves among provenances
1999年 第8卷 第1期 页码[59-60]    下载全文[0.2MB]  

The contents of chlorogenic acid and total flavonoid of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. spring leaves and autumn leaves of 17 provenances were determined by HPLC and UV spectrophotometer . The chlorogenic acid and total flavonoid contents of spring leav es is 2.31 %~ 4 .59 % and 0.83 %~ 2.69 % respectiv ely .The chlorog enic acid and total flavonoid contents of autumn leaves is 0 .25%~ 2 .02% and 0 .95%~ 2 .01% respectively .As the content of chlorogenic acid of spring leaves is much higher than that of autumn leaves, the no distinctive different content of total flavonoid is in spring and autumn leaves.

关键词杜仲; 地理种源; 绿原酸; 总黄酮
Key wordsEucommia ulmoides Oliv .; provenance; chlorogenic acid; total flavonoids
作者汤诗杰, 盛 宁, 陆长根 ,贺善安
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014