2025年3月14日 星期五
Research progress on metabolomics of ethnomedicinal plants
2022年 第31卷 第2期 页码[73-81]    下载全文[1MB]  



 At present, some ethnomedicinal plants are facing the problems such as resource scarcity, insufficient rational utilization, and difficult quality control, and the mechanism of action of many ethnomedicinal plants need to be further researched. Metabolomics can accurately and fully assay the composition and content variation of endogenous metabolites, and are widely used in research of ethnomedicinal plants. The papers published during 2011-2021 in multiple domestic and foreign databases were analyzed in this paper, and the application of metabolomics in researches of ethnomedicinal plants and the further research directions of metabolomics of ethnomedicinal plants were analyzed. The statistic result shows that numbers of papers regarding metabolomics of ethnomedicinal plants increase year by year in general in recent years, which mainly cover four key research directions namely traditional knowledge evaluation, efficacy evaluation, species identification, and action mechanism, in which, papers regarding efficacy evaluation are the most (accounting for 39.5%), followed by those regarding action mechanism (accounting for 35.5%). Metabolomics are widely used in folk medical validation of ethnomedicinal plants, which is beneficial for preservation, popularization, and development of traditional knowledge of ethnomedicinal plants; using metabolomic methods can reveal the best harvest time and origin of ethnomedicinal plants, guide their high quality cultivation, clarify their medicinal parts, and accurately evaluate their effectiveness and safety; using metabolomic methods can also effectively identify the  ethnomedicinal plants with similar morphology, figure out their action mechanism, and shorten the development period of new drugs. Taken together, metabolomics is one of effective tools for clarifying the mechanisms of efficacy, pharmacology and toxicology and species identification of ethnomedicinal plants. When fully combine metabolomics with genomics and proteomics, the variation law of secondary metabolites in ethnomedicinal plants can be more comprehensively understood, which can contribute to deep investigation and rational and efficiency utilization of ethnomedicinal plants, and promote the preservation of ethnomedicinal plant resources and related traditional knowledge.

关键词民族药用植物; 代谢组学; 传统知识评价; 药效评价; 物种鉴别; 作用机制
Key wordsethnomedicinal plants; metabolomics; traditional knowledge evaluation; efficacy evaluation; species identification; action mechanism
作者孟媛a,b,c, 程卓b,c, 林锋科b,c, 张瑞飞b,c, 刘悦c, 龙春林a,b,c,d
所在单位中央民族大学: a. 质谱成像与代谢组学国家民委重点实验室, b. 民族地区生态环境国家民委重点实验室,c. 生命与环境科学学院, d. 民族医药教育部重点实验室, 北京 100081
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31870316; 31761143001); 生态环境部生物多样性调查评估项目(2019HJ2096001006); 北京高校高精尖学科建设项目(质谱成像与代谢组学); 中央民族大学交叉学科研究专项(2020MDJC03)