2025年3月14日 星期五
Physiological basis of phasic change in Malus hupehensis ( Panlp.) Rehd.
2001年 第10卷 第1期 页码[57-59]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

In order to provide more evidences for the mechanism of phasic change 4-year old ( mature phase) apomictic seedlings of crabapple Malus hupehensis ( Panlp .) Rehd.〕 were selected as trial material, and 1-year -old seedling and 4-year-old grafted plant developed from the adult-phase bud were used as contrasts of juvenile zone and adult zone of perennial seedlings respectively.The height-associated characteristics of leaf physiological indexes were investigated.The result showed that, based on the fresh weight of leaves, the amounts per unit of total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, soluble protein, total nucleic acid and RNA increased with leaf position height rising in mature seedling , on the contrary, the content of DNA decreased.Their contents at different leaf positions above the lowest flowering point remained at the same levels.The content of non-reducing sugar of leaves did not vary with different leaf positions in mature seedling and grafted plant.Total nucleic acid content per unit of fresh leaf weight increased along with the leaf position height of seedling, it is due to the increasing of RNA content .The amounts per unit of total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, soluble protein, total nucleic acid and RNA could serve as markers to assess characterization of phasic change.

关键词湖北海棠; 实生苗; 阶段转变; 生理指标
Key wordsMalus hupehensis ( Panlp.) Rehd .; seedling; phasic change; physiological indexes
作者张才喜1, 李载龙2, 陈大明2
所在单位1.上海交通大学植物科学系, 上海 201101;
2.浙江大学园艺系, 浙江 杭州 310029