2025年2月11日 星期二
A karyotype study of 7 species of Aconitum L. from China
1993年 第2卷 第2期 页码[33-38]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

本文报道了国产7种乌头属植物(两色乌头(Aconitum alboviolaceum Kom.,牛扁 A. barbartum var. puberulum Ledeb.,蔓乌头A. volubile Pall.,展毛蔓乌头 A. ciliare DC.,北乌头 A. kusnezoffii Reichb.,蒿叶乌头 A. artemisiaefolium Bar.et Skv.,细叶乌头 A. macrorhynchum Turcz.)的核型。其中展毛蔓乌头、蒿叶乌头和细叶乌头的核型为首次报道。本文还首次指出乌头属中具多年生根状茎的牛扁亚属植物的核型没有明显的二型性,而具二年生块根的乌头正属植物的核型的二型性十分明显。此外还讨论了细叶乌头及展毛蔓乌头的系统位置,认为它们与蔓乌头有较近的亲缘关系。


Karyotypes of 7 species of Aconitum L. were examined and analysed in present paper. The karyotypes of A. ciliare DC , A. artemisiaefolium Bar.et Skv.and A. macrorhynchum Turcz.are reported for the first time. Inconspicous bimodal karyotypes have not been found in the perernnial rhizomatous species of subgenus Lycoctonum (DC. ) Peterm. ( A. alboviolaceum Kom. and A. barbartum var. puberulum Ledeb. ) , while that in other 5 root-tuberous species (A. volubile Pall., A. kusnezoffii Reichb.etc. ) are distinctive, hence the former subgenus might be more primitive. In addition, systematic positions of A. ciliare and A. macrorhynchum were discussed, both are considered to be closely related to A. volubile in having the same chromosome number (2n= 16) as well as their chromosomal morphology.


关键词乌头属; 核型; 核型进化;
Key wordsAconitum L.; chromosome; karyotype evolution
作者杨亲二, 汪小全, 洪德元
所在单位中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学开放研究实验 室 , 北京 100093