2024年10月22日 星期二
Pollen morphology and chromosome number of Angelica tianmuensis and its relationship with related species
2001年 第10卷 第4期 页码[29-33]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

首次报道了染色体高多倍性种天目当归( Angelica tianmuensis Z.H .Pan et T.D.Zhuang) 的染色体数( n 55)及花粉形态通过与近缘种拐芹( A .polymorpha Maxim.) 曲柄当归( A.genuflexa Nutt.) 和重齿当归A. biserrata( Shan et Yuan) Yuan et Shan花粉形态的比较, 在赤道区外壁纹类型相似性程度的基础上, 结合外部形态, 明显看出赤道区纹饰为脑纹-网状的天目当归与具有近脑纹-网状纹饰的曲柄当归似有较密切的亲缘关系, 与具有拟脑纹-状纹饰的拐芹和重齿当归关系稍远


The pollen morphology and chromosome number ( n 55) of Angelica tianmuensis Z .H .Pan et T .
D. Zhuang are newly reported .By means of comparative study of pollen morphology of A. tianmuensis
and related species i .e .A .polymorpha Maxim ., A.genuflexa Nutt .and A .biserrata ( Shan et Yuan) Yuan et Shan, their relationships are preliminarily discussed .Based on the similarity of exine ornamentation of equatorial area of pollens, it distinctly showed that A .tianmuensis possessing cerebro-reticullate sculpture might have close relationships with A .genuflexa possessing subcerebro-reticulate combined with having oiltubes 2 -4 on the commissure and pubescens on ovaries in fruit, and is remote from A. polymorpha and A .
both having cerebroid reticulate sculpture of pollen .


关键词天目当归; 花粉形态; 染色体数; 亲缘关系;
Key wordsAngelica tianmuensis Z.H. Pan et T.D. Zhuang; pollen morphology; chromosome number; relationship
作者舒 璞, 潘泽惠, 刘心恬, 庄体德
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014