2024年12月17日 星期二
萍蓬草〔Nuphar pumilum (Thimm.) DC.〕营养器官的形态解剖观察
Morphological and anatomical observations of vegetative organ of Nuphar pumilum ( Thimm. ) DC.
1998年 第7卷 第3期 页码[43-48]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

对萍蓬草Nuphar pumilum ( Thimm. ) DC.叶的形态结构和腺毛的发育进行形态解剖观察分析茎中维管束散生无形成层茎端周围及幼叶叶柄部位着生能分泌粘液的腺毛定根为多元型 ,有髓; 侧根对着原生木质部脊着生 ,根表面具短缩的根毛;根顶端原始细胞具有分层特征 ,属封闭型


The morphology and anatomical structures of the root, stem and leaf, and the development of glandular hair of Nuphar pumilum ( Thimm. ) DC. are observed. The stem possesses scattered vascular bundles, and cambium is absent. The glandular hairs bearing the function of mucilage secretion exist on the young laminae, leaf stalks and around the top of stem. The adventitious root is polyarch with pith and lateral root arises opposite to the proxylemridge; the short root hairs originate from the root epidermis. The vascular cylinder, cortex , and rootcap are traceable
to independent layers of initial cells in the apical meristem of the root, thus the root is a closed type of apical organization.


关键词萍蓬草; 营养器官; 形态; 解剖
Key wordsNuphar pumilum ( Thimm. ) DC.; vegetative organ; morphology; anatomy
作者施国新, 解凯彬, 常福辰 ,丁小余
所在单位南京师范大学生物系 ,南京 210097