摘要 | 通过野外调查和标本查阅,确定了安徽省被子植物分布新记录2种,即宝华老鸦瓣(Amana baohuaensis B. X. Han, Long Wang et G. Y. Lu)和湖北豹药藤(Cynanchum hubeiense Wen B. Xu, B. S. Xia et J. Y. Shen)。本文简述了宝华老鸦瓣的形态性状及其与近似种的区别,并对湖北豹药藤的花果期以及果实和种子特征进行了补充描述。凭证标本保存在安徽师范大学生命科学学院植物标本馆(ANUB)。 |
Abstract | Based on field survey and specimen examination, two species of angiosperms are confirmed as new records from Anhui Province, viz. Amana baohuaensis B. X. Han, Long Wang et G. Y. Lu and Cynanchum hubeiense Wen B. Xu, B. S. Xia et J.Y. Shen. The morphological characters of A. baohuaensis and the differences between A. baohuaensis and its similar species are discussed briefly; the flower and fruit periods, and the characteristics of fruit and seed of C. hubeiense are also described. Voucher specimens are deposited in Herbarium, College of Life Sciences, Anhui Normal University (ANUB). |
关键词 | 安徽省; 被子植物; 地理分布; 新记录种 |
Key words | Anhui Province; angiosperm; geographical distribution; newly recorded species |
作者 | 张思宇a, 章建业a, 张家祥a, 朱科润a, 邵剑文a,b |
所在单位 | 安徽师范大学: a. 生命科学学院, b. 重要生物资源保护与利用研究安徽省省级重点实验室, 安徽 芜湖 241000 |
点击量 | 1307 |
下载次数 | 1225 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(32070370); 科技基础资源调查专项(2019FY101810) |