2025年3月12日 星期三
Study on leaf photosynthetic characteristics of three species in Corydalis DC.
2020年 第29卷 第1期 页码[1-7]    下载全文[5.3MB]  

以紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)的岩黄连(C. saxicola Bunting)、小花黄堇〔C. racemosa (Thunb.) Pers.〕和北越紫堇(C. balansae Prain)为研究对象,对其叶片的光合色素含量、光合特征参数光响应曲线及净光合速率光响应曲线特征参数进行了比较,并对其光合型进行了分析。结果表明:小花黄堇和北越紫堇叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量均低于岩黄连。随着光合有效辐射(PAR)增大,3种植物叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、瞬时羧化效率(Pn/Ci)、气孔限制值(Ls)和水分利用效率(WUE)均先持续升高后趋于平稳,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)先持续下降后趋于平稳,光合型判别标准值(Gx)均大于10;岩黄连叶片的气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)缓慢升高,而小花黄堇和北越紫堇叶片的Gs和Tr值却先缓慢升高后大幅升高。在400 μmol·m-2·s-1≤PAR≤1 500 μmol·m-2·s-1光照条件下,随着PAR值增大,小花黄堇和北越紫堇叶片的Pn、Pn/Ci、Gs和Tr值与岩黄连的差距越来越大,其叶片的Ls和WUE值与岩黄连的差距越来越小,而其叶片的Ci值与岩黄连的差距一直较小。小花黄堇和北越紫堇的表观量子效率、最大净光合速率、光饱和点和暗呼吸速率均高于岩黄连,而光补偿点却低于岩黄连。研究结果显示:这3种植物的光合特性相似,均属于阴生植物,因此,可在栽培过程中采取相应措施调控光照强度;这3种植物的光合型均为C3型,因此,可在栽培过程中增施CO2肥,以提高叶片光合效率,促进光合产物积累。与岩黄连相比,小花黄堇和北越紫堇对弱光和强光的利用能力及光合碳同化能力均更强。


Taking Corydalis saxicola Bunting, C. racemosa (Thunb.) Pers., and C. balansae Prain in Corydalis DC. as research objects, photosynthetic pigment contents, light response curve of photosynthetic characteristic parameters, and characteristic parameters of light response curve of net photosynthetic rate of their leaves were compared, and their photosynthetic types were analyzed. The results show that contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoid in leaves of C. racemosa and C. balansae are all lower than those of C. saxicola. With the increase of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), instantaneous carboxylation efficiency (Pn/Ci), stomatal limitation value (Ls), and water use efficiency (WUE) of leaves of three species all first increase continuously and then tend to be steady, their intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) first decreases continuously and then tends to be steady, and their discrimination standard value of photosynthetic type (Gx) is all above 10; stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) of leaf of C. saxicola increase slowly, while those of C. racemosa and C. balansae first increase slowly and then do dramatically. Under the light condition of 400 μmol·m-2·s-1≤PAR≤1 500 μmol·m-2·s-1, with the increase of PAR value, the differences in Pn, Pn/Ci, Gs, and Tr values of leaves of C. racemosa and C. balansae with those of C. saxicola are greater and greater, while the differences in Ls and WUE values of their leaves with those of C. saxicola are smaller and smaller, and the difference in Ci value of their leaves with that of C. saxicola is always relatively small. Apparent quantum yield, maximum net photosynthetic rate, light saturation point, and dark respiration rate of C. racemosa and C. balansae are all higher than those of C. saxicola, while their light compensation point is lower than that of C. saxicola. It is suggested that the photosynthetic characteristics of these three species are similar and all of them belong to shade plants, so corresponding measures can be adopted to regulate the light intensity during the cultivation process; the photosynthetic types of these three species are all C3  type, therefore, CO2 fertilizer can be supplemented during the cultivation process to improve leaf photosynthetic efficiency and promote photosynthetic product accumulation. Compared with C. saxicola, the abilities to utilize weak and strong light and to fix photosynthetic carbon of C. racemosa and C. balansae are higher.

关键词紫堇属; 光合色素; 光合特征参数; 光响应曲线; 光合型
Key wordsCorydalis DC.; photosynthetic pigments; photosynthetic characteristic parameters; light response curve; photosynthetic type
作者陈晓英, 李翠, 郭晓云, 秦双双, 张占江
所在单位广西壮族自治区药用植物园 广西药用资源保护与遗传改良重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530023
基金项目国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(81603392; 81503179); 广西自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(2015GXNSFBA139104); 广西科技计划项目(桂科AD17292004; 桂科AA18118015)