摘要 | 广东省内伶仃岛生物资源较为丰富, 共有野生维管植物 133 科 379 属 569 种, 其中广东新记录种 10 种;苔藓植物 19 科 34 属 61 种, 广东新记录种 10 种;各类动物有兽类数十种, 包括国家珍稀濒危保护动物猕猴( Macaca mulatta) 等, 两栖爬行类 30 多种, 鸟类近 110 种, 昆虫超过 447 种。 此外, 内伶仃岛也是一个较为封闭的自然生态系统, 根据该岛各类生物资源和生态环境特点, 宜划分为核心区、旅游-科普区和实验-缓冲区 3 部分, 对各区的特点、性质, 以及全岛的发展规划进行了初步探讨。 |
Abstract | There are an abundant bio-resources in Neilingding Island of Guangdong Province, for example, the wild vascular plants about 569 species, belonging 133 families and 379 genera, among them with 10 new records to Guangdong ;the bryophytes 61 species, belonging 19 families and 34 genera, among them with 10 new records to Guangdong ;on the aspects of animal, the beasts several tens species, the amphibian and reptilian more than 30 species, the birds about 110 species, the insects more than 447 species, especially it is characterized by the distribution of national rare and endangered protection animal Macaca mulatta population . Meanwhile, Neilingding Island also is a comparative independent and obturated natural ecosystem, based on the various bio-resources and environment conditions of this reserve, its function regions could be divided into 3 parts, including the Core Region, Tour-Buffer and Experiment-Buffer.The characteristics and function of the three regions and the future development planning of reserve are discussed . |
关键词 | 广东内伶仃岛; 生物资源; 自然保护规划 |
Key words | Neilingding Island of Guangdong; bio-resources; natural protection planning |
作者 | 蓝崇钰1, 廖文波1, 王勇军2 |
所在单位 | 1.中山大学生命科学学院, 广东 广州 510275; 2.广东福田-内伶仃国家级自然保护区, 广东 深圳 518040 |
点击量 | 1495 |
下载次数 | 1087 |
基金项目 | 广东省林业厅《广东内伶仃岛自然资源综合调查》资助项目( 1997-1999) |