摘要 | 运用开顶式气室(OTCs)模拟当前环境大气 O3浓度(对照,40 ~ 45 nL· L-1 )、O3浓度倍增 1 倍( TR-1,92 ~106 nL· L-1 )和 O3浓度倍增 2 倍(TR-2,142 ~ 160 nL· L-1 )胁迫,以叶片光合色素、MDA、可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖含量及 SOD 和 POD 活性和相对电导率为指标,分析了美丽箬竹(Indocalamus decorus Q. H. Dai )对 O3胁迫的生理响应规律。 结果显示:随 O3 浓度的提高,叶片叶绿素 a( Chla)、叶绿素 b( Chlb)、总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量,SOD 和 POD 活性,可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖含量及二者的比值( SPC / SSC) 均呈下降趋势;叶绿素 a 与 b 的比值(Chla / Chlb)、MDA 含量和相对电导率均呈增加趋势。 TR-1 条件下叶片 POD 活性和可溶性糖含量分别比对照下降 38. 86% 和 10. 37% ,差异显著;Chla / Chlb 比值显著高于对照,其余指标均与对照无显著差异。 而在 TR-2 条件下叶片 Chla、Chlb、总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量显著低于对照,降幅分别为 26. 89% 、40. 91% 、30. 47% 和 20. 37% ;SOD 和 POD 活性、可溶 性 蛋 白 质 和 可 溶 性 糖 含 量 以 及 PC / SSC 比值也均显著低于对照,降幅分别为 42. 03% 、46. 62% 、45. 09% 、11. 52% 和 40. 15% ;Chla / Chlb 比值、MDA 含量和相对电导率均显著高于对照。另外,TR-1 与TR-2 处理组间光合色素含量和 POD 活性差异不显著,TR-2 处理组 MDA 含量和相对电导率显著高于 TR-1 处理组,SOD 活性显著低于后者。 研究结果表明:美丽箬竹对 O3胁迫具有强耐受性,可种植于 O3浓度较高的环境中。 |
Abstract | The method of open-top chambers (OTCs) was used to simulate ozone stress with atmosphericO 3 concentration (control, 40-45 nL· L-1), one time O3 concentration (TR-1, 92-106 nL· L-1 ) and two times O 3 concentration (TR-2, 142-160 nL· L-1 ), and taking contents of photosynthetic pigment, MDA, soluble protein and soluble sugar, activities of SOD and POD and relative electric conductivity as indexes, physiological response of Indocalamus decorus Q. H. Dai to O3 stress was researched. The results show that with rising of O3 concentration, contents of chlorophylla (Chla), chlorophyllb (Chlb), total chlorophyll and carotenoid, activities of SOD and POD, soluble protein content (SPC) and soluble sugar content (SSC) and SPC / SSC value in leaves of I. decorus appear the reducing trend, while Chla / Chlb value, MDA content and relative electric conductivity appear the enhancing trend. In TR-1 group, POD activity and SSC decrease respectively 38. 86% and 10. 37% comparing to the control with the significant difference, Chla / Chlb value is significantly higher than that of the control, but the other indexes have no significant difference with the control. In TR-2 group, contents of Chla, Chlb, total chlorophyll and carotenoid are significantly lower than those of the control with decreasing ranges of 26. 89% , 40. 91% , 30. 47% and 20. 37% , respectively, activities of SOD and POD, SPC and SSC and SPC / SSC value also are significantly lower than those of the control with decreasing ranges of 42. 03% , 46. 62% , 45. 09% , 11. 52% and 40. 15% , respectively, but Chla / Chlb value, MDA content and relative electric conductivity are significantly higher than those of the control. Moreover,photosynthetic pigment content and POD activity have no significant differences between TR-1 and TR-2 groups, but MDA content and relative electric conductivity in TR-2 group are significantly higher and SOD activity in TR-2 group is significantly lower than those in TR-1 group. It is revealed that I. decorus possesses a strong resistance to O3 stress, and can be cultivated in high O3 concentration environment. |
关键词 | 美丽箬竹; 臭氧胁迫; 生理响应; 光合色素; 抗氧化酶; 渗透调节物质 |
Key words | Indocalamus decorus Q. H. Dai; ozone stress; physiological response; photosynthetic pigment; anti-oxidation enzyme; osmotic adjusting substance |
作者 | 庄明浩1, 李迎春1, 郭子武1, 杨清平1, 顾李俭2, 陈双林1 |
所在单位 | 1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所, 浙江 富阳 311400; 2. 杭州临安太湖源观赏竹种园有限责任公司, 浙江 临安 311306 |
点击量 | 1330 |
下载次数 | 1109 |
基金项目 | 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目( RISF6915); 国家林业公益性行业科研专项(201004008); 浙江省省院合作资助项目(2010SY01) |