摘要 | 用60 Co-γ和离子束注入甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)5 个杂交组合(‘守田2 号’ב中山3 号’、‘守田2号’ב中山4 号’、‘中山3 号’ב守田2 号’和‘中山3 号’ב守田3 号’杂交组合以及‘守田3 号’自交组合)F1 代种子,对其种子发芽率、幼苗成活率以及后代植株的株高、节数、平均节间长度、分枝数、茎粗、叶宽、叶长、叶宽/ 叶长比和脚芽数量的变化进行了研究。结果表明:经60 Co-γ和离子束注入后甜菊杂交后代种子发芽率的平均值均显著低于对照;经60 Co-γ注入后杂交后代幼苗成活率的平均值显著高于对照,但经离子束注入后幼苗成活率的平均值显著低于对照。经60 Co-γ和离子束注入后杂交后代植株的株高、节数、平均节间长度、分枝数、叶宽、叶长、茎粗和脚芽数量总体上小于对照,但这8 个指标的平均值均显著低于对照;除叶宽外,经60 Co-γ注入后杂交后代植株的其他7 个生长指标的平均值均显著低于经离子束注入的植株。经60 Co-γ和离子束注入后杂交后代的种子发芽率和幼苗成活率以及植株叶长、节数、分枝数和脚芽数量的变异系数以及经60 Co-γ注入后植株的株高和茎粗的变异系数均显著高于对照,说明经2 种辐射源处理后甜菊后代不同性状的变异程度增加。研究结果表明:采用60 Co-γ和离子束注入均对甜菊后代植株有明显诱变效应,有助于选育株高较矮、叶形一致、分枝较少、节间长度较短、抗倒伏且抗寒的甜菊品种。 |
Abstract | F1 seeds of five cross combinations (‘Shoutian No. 2’בZhongshan No. 3’, ‘Shoutian No. 2’בZhongshan No. 4’, ‘Zhongshan No. 3’בShoutian No. 2’, ‘Zhongshan No. 3’בShoutian No.3’and ‘Shoutian No. 3’בShoutian No. 3’) of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni were injected by 60Co-γand ion beam, and changes of seed germination rate, seedling survival rate, plant height, node number, average of internode length, branch number, stem diameter, leaf width, leaf length, ratio of leaf width to leaf length and rhizome sucker number of hybrid progeny of S. rebaudiana were studied. The results show that the average of seed germination rate of hybrid progeny after by 60Co-γand ion beam injections is significantly lower than that of the control. The average of seedling survival rate of hybrid progeny after by 60Co-γinjection is significantly higher than that of the control, but that after by ion beam injection is significantly lower than that of the control. After by 60Co-γand ion beam injections, plant height, node number, average of internode length, branch number, leaf width, leaf length, stem diameter and rhizome sucker number of hybrid progeny are generally lower than those of the control, but the average values of these eight indexes are significantly lower than those of the control. Except for leaf width, the average values of other seven growth indexes of hybrid progeny after by 60Co-γinjection are significantly lower than those after by ion beam injection. The variation coefficients of seed germination rate, seedling survival rate, leaf length, node number, branch number and rhizome sucker number of hybrid progeny after by 60Co-γand ion beam injections and that of plant height and stem diameter after by 60Co-γ injection are significantly higher than those of the control, meaning that variation degree of different indexes of hybrid progeny of S. rebaudiana is expanding after treated by two radiation sources. It is suggested that 60Co-γand ion beam injections have an obvious mutagenic effect on hybrid progeny of S. rebaudiana, which is helpful to breeding S. rebaudiana cultivar with lower height, consistent leaf shape,fewer branch, shorter internode length, lodging-and cold-resistance. |
关键词 | 甜菊; 杂交后代; 辐射诱变; 种子萌发; 幼苗生长 |
Key words | Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni; hybrid progeny; radiation mutagenesis; seed germination; seedling growth |
作者 | 杨敬敏, 黄苏珍, 杨永恒 |
所在单位 | 江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏南京210014 |
点击量 | 1248 |
下载次数 | 1045 |
基金项目 | 江苏省科技支撑计划项目(BE2009322); 江苏省农业三项工程项目(SX2011247) |