摘要 | 对福建省古田会址风水林77个样方中的珍稀濒危植物小叶红豆(Ormosia microphylla Merr. et H. Y. Chen)种群进行调查,对其种群结构和动态特征进行分析。结果表明:77个样方中共有小叶红豆273株,根据株高(h)和胸径(DBH)可分为10个径级,其中Ⅰ(h≤50 cm)级的幼苗个体最多(112株),但从Ⅰ级到Ⅱ(50 cm<h≤100 cm)级死亡率为60.7%,表明幼苗的个体生存能力差;幼树至小树阶段〔Ⅱ级至Ⅴ级(10 cm≤DBH<15 cm)〕生长情况较为平稳,从中树至大树阶段〔Ⅵ(15 cm≤DBH<20 cm)级至Ⅹ(DBH≥35 cm)级〕仅有少数个体能够存活,个体数总体逐渐减少;从高度级结构看,小叶红豆种群在7个高度级均有个体分布,具有一定的完整性和稳定性。小叶红豆种群的动态指数(Vpi)为40.67%,随机干扰动态指数(Vpi′)为1.36%,随机干扰风险概率(Pmax)为3.33%,表明小叶红豆种群为增长型种群,但增长不明显,抗干扰能力较弱。小叶红豆种群存活曲线趋向于Deevey-Ⅱ型的B1亚型;随着径级增加,小叶红豆种群整体生存率函数〔S(t)〕呈降低趋势,而累积死亡率函数〔F(t)〕则呈升高趋势,小叶红豆种群死亡密度函数〔f(t)〕和危险率函数〔λ(t)〕从Ⅳ(5 cm≤DBH<10 cm)级至Ⅴ级明显升高,反映种群有向衰退方向发展的趋势。时间序列预测结果显示:总体上看,经过未来2、4、6、8径级时间后,小叶红豆种群各径级个体数均有增加,种群发展潜力较好。综合研究结果显示:小叶红豆种群整体上呈现增长趋势,但稳定性和抵抗性较弱,小叶红豆自身抗干扰能力弱以及在资源竞争过程中处于劣势是限制小叶红豆种群增长和种群稳定性差的主要原因,建议采取就地保护的同时,通过适当疏伐和施肥以及加强种子培养等手段增加个体数量,提高种群的竞争力和稳定性。 |
Abstract | The population of the rare and endangered plant Ormosia microphylla Merr. et H. Y. Chen in 77 sample plots of geomancy forest of Gutian Meeting Site in Fujian was investigated, and the population structure and dynamic characteristics of this population were analyzed. The results show that there are a total of 273 O. microphylla individuals in 77 sample plots, based on height (h) and diameter at breast height (DBH), they can be divided into 10 diameter classes, among which the seedling individuals of class Ⅰ (h≤50 cm) are the most (112), but the mortality rate from class Ⅰ to class Ⅱ (50 cm<h≤100 cm) is 60.7%, indicating that the individual survival ability of seedlings is poor; the growth status from sapling to small tree stage 〔class Ⅱ to class Ⅴ (10 cm≤DBH<15 cm)〕 is relatively stable, but only a few individuals can survive from medium tree to large tree stage 〔class Ⅵ (15 cm≤DBH<20 cm) to class Ⅹ (DBH≥35 cm)〕, and the individual number gradually decreases in general; in terms of height class structure, the individuals of O. microphylla population is distributed across all 7 height classes, demonstrating a certain degree of integrity and stability. The dynamic index (Vpi) of O. microphylla population is 40.67%, the random disturbance dynamic index (Vpi′) is 1.36%, and the random disturbance risk probability (Pmax) is 3.33%, indicating that the O. microphylla population is a growing population, but the growth is not obvious, and its ability to resist disturbances is relatively weak. The survival curve of O. microphylla population tends to be of B1 subtype of DeeveyⅡ type; with the increase of diameter class, the overall survival rate function 〔S(t)〕 of O. microphylla population shows a tendency to decrease, while the cumulative mortality rate function 〔F(t)〕 shows a tendency to increase, and the death density function 〔f(t)〕 and hazard rate function 〔λ(t)〕 of O. microphylla population evidently increase from class Ⅳ (5 cm≤DBH<10 cm) to class Ⅴ, indicating a trend towards population decline. The timeseries prediction result shows that, in general, after the next 2, 4, 6, and 8 diameter class time, the number of individuals at each diameter class of O. microphylla population will increase, indicating a good potential for population development. The comprehensive research results indicate that the O. microphylla population shows a growth tendency overall, but the stability and resistance are relatively weak, and the weak ability of O. microphylla to resist disturbances and its disadvantage in competing for resources are the main reasons for limiting its population growth and causing poor population stability. It is recommended to adopt in situ conservation and simultaneously increase the number of individuals through means including appropriate thinning and fertilization, and enhanced seed cultivation to improve the competitiveness and stability of population.
关键词 | 小叶红豆; 种群结构; 静态生命表; 存活曲线; 生存分析 |
Key words | Ormosia microphylla Merr. et H. Y. Chen; population structure; static life table; survival curve; survival analysis |
作者 | 蔡晨1a, 李珂佳1a, 凌书伟1a, 阮广鸣2, 陈泽平1a, 潘标志3, 郑世群1b |
所在单位 | 1. 福建农林大学: a. 林学院, b. 菌草与生态学院(碳中和学院), 福建 福州 350002; 2. 龙岩市园林绿化中心, 福建 龙岩 364000; 3. 福建省林业调查规划院, 福建 福州 350003 |
点击量 | 114 |
下载次数 | 97 |
基金项目 | 龙岩城区公园绿地日常维护改造(含应急抢险)工程项目([350801]LYCG[CS]2023015); 福建省特色林木种质资源评价与监测信息应用项目(2021FKJ17) |