2025年3月12日 星期三
Feature of forest community with Russula vinosa lindbl Fr .depending on for existance in Dingban village of Datian County
2001年 第10卷 第2期 页码[26-30]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

对福建省大田丁板村正红菇( Russula vinosa lindbl Fr.) 依存森林的群落结构特征的研究结果表明:该群落以栲( Castanopsis fargesii Franch .) 等壳斗科( Fagaceae) 植物为主, 共有木本植物 46 ;经物种多样性测定, 其物种丰富度多样性指数均匀度都较高, 主要树种的空间格局以集群型分布为主


Structural features of forest community which Russula vinosa lindbl Fr .depends on for existance in
Dingban village of Datian county, Fujian Province were studied
.The results showed that this community consists of 46 species of woody plant, mainly including species of Fagaceae such as Castanopsis forgesii Franch .According to the determination of species diversity, the species abundance, high index of species diversity and evenness are indicated .The spacial pattern of main tree species often distributes in clump in the community .

关键词正红菇; 群落结构; 空间格局; 物种多样性
Key wordsRussula vinosa lindbl Fr.; community structure; spacial pattern; species diversity
作者涂育合, 陈永聪, 郑肇快
所在单位福建省大田桃源国有林场, 福建 大田 366101