2025年3月14日 星期五
Ferula licentiana Hand .-M azz .var .tunshanica Shan et Q .X .Liu ;F. kingdon-wardii Wolff ;chemical constituent ;system atic taxonomy
1997年 第6卷 第4期 页码[15-18]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

从铜山阿魏(Ferula licentiana Hand .-M azz .var.tunshanica Shan et Q.X.Liu)和草甸阿魏 (F .kingdon-w ardii Wolff)的根的乙醚提取物中共提取分离得 10 种化合物, 其中化合物 9 为一新化合物:1-(7, 8-二甲氧基-5 , 6-甲二氧基苯)丙基(Z)-2-甲基-1-丁烯酸酯。 阿魏属的这两种植物分布于该属现代分布区的边缘, 但都未检出本属植物的特征成分之一 7-氧-倍半萜类香豆素, 且两种植物所含成分较相似且较简单。 作者推测存在着这样的可能性, 即:和伞形科其他某些属植物一样, 阿魏属也起源于中国的西南地区。


From the ether ex tracts of the roots of Ferula licentiana Hand .-M azz .var. tunshanica Shan et Q .X .Liu and F .kingdon-wardii Wolff , latifolone (1), p-anisic acid (2),veratric acid (3), fercomin (4), ferutidin (5), ferutinin (6), jaeschkeanadiol veratrate(7), terferin (8), 1-(7 , 8-dimethoxy-5 , 6-methylenedioxy phenyl)propyl (Z)-2-methyl-1-butenoate (9 ), and 4 , 11 , 11 , 10-tetramethy l-1 , 10-oxirane-4-ene-6-germacrane veratrate (10)w ere obtained .Among them , compound 9 is a new compound .These two Ferulious plants are distributed on the border of the distribution
of this genus
, but 7-O-sesquiterpene-coumarin , one of the characteristical components of
this genus
, is no t detectable in these tw o species, and the components of these two plants are similar and comparatively simple .All these, to the authorsconjecture ,suggested that perhaps Ferula L ., like some other Umbelliferous plants such as Angelica L ., also o riginated from the south-west China.

关键词铜山阿魏; 草甸阿魏; 化学成分; 系统分类
Key wordsFerula licentiana Hand .-M azz .var .tunshanica Shan et Q .X .Liu; F .
作者王年鹤 ,袁昌齐, 马场 きみ江, 谷口雅彦, 土井光畅
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014
大阪药科大学, 日本国 大阪